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-- "PRECIOUSSSS!! What has the nasty Bagginsess
--            got in it's pocketssss?"
--                Three::rings
--           for:::the::Elven-Kings
--        under:the:sky,:Seven:for:the
--      Dwarf-Lords::in::their::halls:of
--     stone,:Nine             for:Mortal
--    :::Men:::     ________     doomed::to
--  die.:One   _,-'...:... `-.    for:::the
--  ::Dark::  ,- .:::::::::::. `.   Lord::on
-- his:dark ,'  .:::::zzz:::::.  `.  :throne:
-- In:::the/    ::::dMMMMMb::::    \ Land::of
-- :Mordor:\    ::::dMMmgJP::::    / :where::
-- ::the::: '.  '::::YMMMP::::'  ,'  Shadows:
--  lie.::One  `. ``:::::::::'' ,'    Ring::to
--  ::rule::    `-._```:'''_,-'     ::them::
--  all,::One      `-----'        ring::to
--    ::find:::                  them,:One
--     Ring:::::to            bring::them
--       all::and::in:the:darkness:bind
--         them:In:the:Land:of:Mordor
--            where:::the::Shadows
--                 :::lie.:::
-- .--------------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------.
-- : One Ring to rule them all,     | Ash nazg durbatulûk,      | Ein Ring, sie zu knechten, :
-- : One Ring to find them,         | Ash nazg gimbatul,        | sie alle zu finden,        :
-- : One Ring to bring them all,    | Ash nazg thrakatulûk,     | Ins Dunkel zu treiben      :
-- : and in the darkness bind them. | Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul | und ewig zu binden         :
-- '--------------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------'

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