
DoorDash’s retail catalog is a centralized dataset of essential product information for all products sold by new verticals merchants – merchants operating a business other than a restaurant, such as a grocery, a convenience store, or a liquor store. Within the retail catalog, each SKU, or stock keeping unit, is represented by a list of product attributes. Figure 1 shows an example SKU and some of its attributes as it is stored in the retail catalog.


Figure 1: An example SKU and some of its attributes in the retail catalog


Having high-quality, complete, and accurate product attributes for each SKU is a critical part of a first-class shopping experience, providing: 


  • Better selection & fulfillment — Customers can find an item on DoorDash easily, confident that what they order matches what they want. Dashers, the service’s delivery drivers, have comprehensive information to find the correct product in the store. 
  • 更好的选择和履行 —— 客户可以轻松在DoorDash上找到所需的商品,并确信所订购的与所需的完全匹配。服务的送餐员Dashers可以获得全面的信息,以在商店中找到正确的产品。 
  • Better personalization. Product attributes allow DoorDash to group products based on commonalities, building a product profile for each customer around their affinities to certain attributes. These are the building blocks for providing highly relevant and personalized shopping recommendations.
  • 更好的个性化。产品属性使DoorDash能够根据共同点对产品进行分组,为每个客户构建一个关于他们对某些属性的亲和性的产品概况。这是提供高度相关和个性化购物推荐的基础。

When a merchant comes onboard at DoorDash, we add their internal SKU data — raw merchant data — to our retail catalog. SKU data from different merchants come in varying formats and quality; they may, for example, have missing or incorrect attribute values. To ensure our catalog’s quality does not degrade, we standardize and enrich raw merchant data. Historically, this SKU enrichment of extracting and tagging attributes has been a purely manual process...


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