Build an AI that answers questions based on user research data

Modern products often have a large amount of user research data from different sources: user research interviews, intercom conversations, customer e-mails, surveys, customer reviews on various platforms, etc.

Making sense of all that data is a challenging task. A traditional way to do that is to maintain a neatly organized database with various corresponding tags.

But what if we can have our personal AI chatbot that can answer any question about our user research data?

By querying a large amount of historic user research data, the chatbot can provide insights and recommendations for a new project, product, or marketing campaign.

Well, now it’s possible with just a few lines of code. You can do that even without a technical background. In this article, I’m going to explain how to do that step-by-step.

This technique was first described by Dan Shipper.


You are probably familiar with ChatGPT and hopefully are already using it in your working process. If not, I recommend reading my article about AI's impact on design first.

OpenAI also provides an API to send the requests. We need that to be able to send the relevant context to the model. And to keep the information private.

Before we start with API, you can try interacting with GPT-3 model through a user interface in GPT-3 Playground.

OpenAI API Playground

Privacy concerns

There are many privacy concerns when we deal with user data. By default, OpenAI will not use data submitted by customers via our API to train OpenAI models or improve OpenAI’s service offering. But of course, there might be much more security limitations. Check OpenAI documentation for more information and consult with your legal team.

Custom knowledge base

We want it to use data from our research and not just general knowledge from the internet. How can we do it?

Can fine-tuning work?

When first approaching this issue, I thought that it is possible to fine-tune the model with our dataset. It turned out that fine-tuning is used to train the model answer in a certain way by providing prompt-response examples.

Fine-tuning can be helpful to train the model to recognize the sentiment, for example. To do that you need to provide sentence-sentiment value pairs in the training data like in this example:

{"prompt":"Overjoyed with the new iPhone! ->", "completion":" positive"}
{"prompt":"@lakers disappoint for a third straight night ->", "completion":" negative"}

But in our case, we don’t have prompt-response examples. We just have data that we want to use to find an answer. So fine-tuning will not work in that situation.

Sending context into the prompt

Instead, we need to make the model aware of the context. And we can do it by simply providing the context in the prompt itself.

Like this:

Context information is below. {context}

Given the context information and not prior knowledge,

answer the question: {user_query}

There is a catch though. We cannot just send all our research data in one prompt. It is computationally unreasonable and the GPT-3 model has a request/response hard limit of 2049 “tokens”. Which is approximately 8k characters for request and response combined.

Instead of sending all the data in the request, we need to find a way to send only relevant information that would help our chatbot to answer the question.

There is a library for that

The good news is that it is easy to do with an open-source library called GPT Index by Jerry Liu.

Here is how it works:

  1. Create an index of text chunks
  2. Find the most relevant chunks
  3. Ask the question to GPT-3 using the most relevant chunk

The library does all the heavy lifting for us, we just need to write a few lines of code. Let’s do it!

Getting the hands dirty

The code has only 2 functions: the first one constructs an index from our data and the second one is sending the request to GPT-3. Here is a pseudo-code for that:

def construct_index:

  1. set parameters for LLM that will be used

  2. construct an index

  3. save the index into the filedef ask_ai:

  4. get user query

  5. send the query with the relevant context

  6. show the response

Constructing an index

First, we need to construct an index. An index is like a database that stores pieces of text in a way that makes them easy to find.

To do that, we have to collect all our data into a folder. Then we ask GPT Index to take all of the files in the folder and break each file into small, sequential pieces. Then we store those pieces in a searchable format.

def construct_index(directory_path):

max_input_size = 4096

num_outputs = 256

max_chunk_overlap = 20

chunk_size_limit = 600

llm_predictor = LLMPredictor(llm=OpenAI(temperature=0, model_name="text-davinci-003", max_tokens=num_outputs))

prompt_helper = PromptHelper(max_input_size, num_outputs, max_chunk_overlap, chunk_size_limit=chunk_size_limit) documents = SimpleDirectoryReader(directory_path).load_data() index = GPTSimpleVectorIndex( documents, llm_predictor=llm_predictor, prompt_helper=prompt_helper )


return index

When we run this function, it will create a file called index.json that contains chunks of our data converted into a format that makes them easy to search.

Be careful, running this code will cost you credits on your OpenAPI account ($0.02 for every 1,000 tokens, you’ll have $18 free credits when you set your account)

Asking the question

Now, let’s ask the question. To search the index that we made, we just need to enter a question into GPT Index.

  1. GPT Index will find the parts of our index that are most related to the question
  2. It will combine them with the question, and send it to GPT-3.
  3. Then, it will print out the response.

def ask_ai():
index = GPTSimpleVectorIndex.load_from_disk('index.json')
while True:
query = input("What do you want to ask? ")
response = index.query(query, response_mode="compact")
display(Markdown(f"Response: {response.response}"))

Testing it out

I cannot share user research data with you as it is confidential. So to test the code out, I will use automatically generated interviews as my knowledge base for the example.

I’ve asked ChatGPT to generate interview questions about cooking at home and the use of domestic appliances. After that, I asked to generate interview scripts based on these questions. The interviews turned out to be quite blank and not very insightful, but it is enough to test our AI.

After uploading the files and constructing an index, I can try to ask a question about those interviews.

For example, I can ask my chatbot to “brainstorm marketing campaign ideas for an air fryer that would appeal to people that cook at home”. It will generate ideas based on the interviews that I’ve provided and not based on general knowledge from the Internet.

The source code for this article is here.

If you are a visual learner, you can check the video where I explain everything step by step.

Possible applications

We’ve created an ai with a custom knowledge base with just a few lines of code. Just think for a moment how accessible custom AI becomes.

In just a few minutes we’ve managed to build a custom solution for searching the insights in our research database. The same technique can be used in dozens of other different use cases.

Imagine a healthcare chatbot that provides medical advice based on a user’s health history and symptoms. Or an artificial legal advisor that is able to dig through the legal documents to provide you with meaningful information. Or a chatbot with a knowledge base of financial regulations and best practices that can assist with financial planning and help you make informed decisions.

And this is just one small technique that we explored today. With advancements in Large Language Models, it is now easier than ever to create custom AI that can serve your specific needs.

What do you want to create next?

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