一个适用于 Next.js 的最小依赖的翻译系统

Page of a dictionary

15 Nov 2023|6 min read


Source code & Live demo

源代码 & 在线演示



I’ve been doing some web speed performance checks on the Next.js websites we are building at my current company lately, and one of the things that I noticed is that the translation system we are using is adding a lot of weight to the bundle size. I decided to create a minimal translation system that doesn’t add any dependencies to the bundle size. Of course this is no shade to the existing translation systems out there, but I wanted to see if I could create something that is minimal and dependency-free, without all the functionality which systems like next-intl provide.


Setting up the backend


For the purpose of this blog and demo I decided to use POEditor to host my translations. They have a generous free tier which is more than enough for this demo. I created a project, added 2 languages (NL and EN) and added a few translations to it.


Screenshot of POEditor

Setting up the frontend


Getting started with a new Next.js app is easy, just run npx create-next-app, follow the steps in your terminal and you’re good to go. For this demo and blog I’m using the Pages Router, I might do another blog post on doing the same in the App Router later, but this might work a bit differently since React Context can not be used in RSC. In next.config.js I added

开始一个新的Next.js应用很容易,只需运行npx create-next-app,按照终端中的步骤进行操作,然后就可以开始了。对于这个演示和博客,我使用了Pages Router,以后可能会写另一篇博客来介绍在App Router中进行相同操作的方法,但这可能会有些不同,因为React Context不能在RSC中使用。在next.config.js中,我添加了

i18n: {
 defaultLocale: 'en',
 locales: ['en', 'nl'],

to add an extra language (Dutch) to the project.


Setting up the translation fetching from POEditor


Using the Fetch API, I’m fetching the translations for my project from P...


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