Spring Boot 中的测试效率掌握:优化策略和最佳实践

Hey there, fellow engineers! Let's dive into the exciting world of Spring Boot testing with JUnit. It is incredibly powerful, providing a realistic environment for testing our code. However, if we don't optimize our tests, they can be slow and negatively affect lead time to changes for our teams.

嘿,工程师们!让我们深入了解使用JUnit进行Spring Boot测试的令人兴奋的世界。它非常强大,为我们的代码提供了一个真实的测试环境。然而,如果我们不优化我们的测试,它们可能会很慢,并对团队的变更时间产生负面影响。

This blog post will teach you how to optimize your Spring Boot tests, making them faster, more efficient, and more reliable.

本博文将教您如何优化Spring Boot测试,使其更快、更高效、更可靠。

Imagine an application whose tests take 10 minutes to execute. That's a lot of time! Let's roll up our sleeves and see how we can whiz through those tests in no time! ?✨


Understanding Test Slicing in Spring


Test slicing in Spring allows testing specific parts of an application, focusing only on relevant components, rather than loading the entire context. It is achieved by annotations like @WebMvcTest, @DataJpaTest, or @JsonTest. These annotations are a targeted approach to limit the context loading to a specific layer or technology. For instance, @WebMvcTest primarily loads the Web layer, while @DataJpaTest initializes the Data JPA layer for more concise and efficient testing. This selective loading approach is a cornerstone in optimizing test efficiency.


There are more annotations that can be used to slice the context. See official Spring documentation on Test Slices.

还有更多的注解可以用来切片上下文。请参阅官方的 Spring 文档中关于测试切片的内容

Test Slicing: Using @DataJpaTest as a replacement for @SpringBootTest ?

测试切片:使用@DataJpaTest替代@SpringBootTest ?

Let's take a look at an example (code below). The test first deletes all the data (shipments and containers, each shipment can have multiple containers) from the ...


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