Accelerating our A/B experiments with machine learning


Like many companies, Dropbox runs experiments that compare two product versions—A and B—against each other to understand what works best for our users. When a company generates revenue from selling advertisements, analyzing these A/B experiments can be done promptly; did a user click on an ad or not? However, at Dropbox we sell subscriptions, which makes analysis more complex. What is the best way to analyze A/B experiments when a user’s experience over several months can affect their decision to subscribe?

For example, let’s say we wanted to measure the effect of a change in how we onboard a new trial user on the first day of their trial. We could pick some metric that is available immediately—such as the number of files uploaded—but this might not be well correlated with user satisfaction. We could wait 90 days to see if the user converts and continues on a paid subscription, but that takes a long time. Is there a metric that is both available immediately and highly correlated with user satisfaction?

We found that, yes, there is a better metric: eXpected Revenue (XR). Using machine learning, we can make a prediction about the probable value of a trial user over a two-year period, measured as XR. This prediction is made a few days after the start of a trial, and it is highly correlated with user satisfaction. With machine learning we can now draw accurate conclusions from A/B experiments in a matter of days instead of months—meaning we can run more experiments every year, giving us more opportunities to make the Dropbox experience even better for our users.



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