
Vimeo Events is a live streaming platform that enables broadcasters to produce and promote virtual events (see Figure 1). From custom registration to post-engagement analytics, Vimeo Events enables any business to build an audience, prepare for an event in advance, and go live easily with a browser-based, studio-quality production tool.

Vimeo Events是一个直播平台,使广播公司能够制作和推广虚拟活动(见图1)。从自定义注册到参与后分析,Vimeo Events使任何企业都能建立观众,提前准备活动,并通过基于浏览器的演播室质量的制作工具轻松进行直播。

Figure 1. Vimeo Events is a browser-based way to host a professionally produced event.

图1. Vimeo Events是一种基于浏览器的方式来举办专业制作的活动。

This article is a deep dive into the process behind adding a new feature to our product — the ability for users to lay out the content of their scene with more flexibility and customization. We’ll define the following:


  • What Vimeo Events is
  • Vimeo Events是什么
  • An opportunity we saw to enhance the product
  • 我们看到了一个加强产品的机会
  • The research and ideation we did to explore that opportunity
  • 我们为探索这一机会所做的研究和构思
  • How users felt about our ideas
  • 用户对我们的想法有何感受
  • Where the feature finally landed
  • 该功能最终落地的地方

Let’s begin!


Exploring Vimeo Events


Vimeo Events includes functionality for pre-production, live streaming, and engagement tools.

Vimeo Events包括前期制作、直播和参与工具等功能。



Broadcasters can build each scene ahead of time, including pre-recorded videos, guest speakers, graphics, and interactive moments (see Figure 2). This ensures that their event runs smoothly.


Figure 2. An example of building an event before the event goes live. A user in Vimeo Events adds multiple scenes to a Wealth Wisdom webinar.

图2. 一个在事件上线前建立事件的例子。Vimeo Events中的一个用户为一个Wealth Wisdom网络研讨会添加了多个场景。

Live streaming


Broadcasters can go live to an audience with real-time interaction, high-quality streaming, and the ability to send any piece of content to the stream at any time (see Figure 3).


Figure 3. An example of...


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