
CSS is a critical component of every web application, and many solutions have evolved for how styles are written by developers and delivered to visitors. In this post we’ll take you through Airbnb’s journey from Sass to CSS-in-JS and show you why we landed on Linaria, a zero-runtime CSS-in-JS library, and the impact it has had on the developer experience and performance of Airbnb’s web app.


From Sass to CSS-in-JS


In 2016, our web frontend was in a monolithic Ruby on Rails app using a combination of Sprockets, Browserify, and Sass. We had a Bootstrap-inspired internal toolkit for styling, but we weren’t using anything like CSS Modules or BEM.

在2016年,我们的网络前端是在一个单体的Ruby on Rails应用程序中,使用SproketsBrowserifySass的组合。我们有一个受Bootstrap启发的内部工具包,用于造型,但我们没有使用任何类似CSS ModulesBEM的东西。

Production bugs were often caused by our styling — sometimes the correct stylesheet was missing from some pages and other times styles from different stylesheets conflicted unexpectedly.


Additionally, developers rarely removed styles once added since it was hard to know whether they were still needed. These issues compounded as our product surface area rapidly expanded.


As we began to build our Design System in React, we landed on CSS-in-JS as an exciting new option. At the time, CSS-in-JS was still in its infancy–only a few libraries existed and Styled Components had not been invented yet. We chose Aphrodite, but didn’t want to be directly coupled to Aphrodite’s implementation for two reasons: since CSS-in-JS was a nascent space we wanted to have the flexibility to switch implementations at a later date, and we also wanted something that would work for open source projects where people might not want Aphrodite. So we created an abstraction layer called react-wi...


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