LeakProf: Featherlight In-Production Goroutine Leak Detection


Go is a popular programming language used in microservice development, with one of the key features being first-class support for concurrency. Given its burgeoning popularity, it is no surprise that Uber adopted it: the Go monorepo is a centerpiece of its development platform, housing a significant portion of Uber’s codebase in the form of critical business logic, support libraries, or key components of the infrastructure.

Go’s concurrency model is built on goroutines–lightweight threads. Any function call prefixed with the “go” keyword launches the function asynchronously. Goroutines are used abundantly in Go codebases owing to low syntactical overhead and resource requirements, with programs often involving tens to hundreds or thousands of goroutines simultaneously. Two or more goroutines can communicate with each other via message passing over channels, a paradigm inspired by Hoare’s Communicating Sequential Processes. While traditional shared-memory communication is still an option, the development team behind Go encourages users to favor channels, arguing for higher tolerance against data races when used properly.



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