
At Duolingo, we believe it’s important to use data to drive our decisions. This includes decisions about how best to teach languages. You probably aren’t thinking about it while you’re doing your daily Spanish lessons, but in the background, we have dedicated teams of volunteers and staff working on improving the courses we teach you and developing new versions of the courses, which we call “trees”. Once these trees are done, we release them as A/B experiments to a portion of learners and track the impact on engagement with the app. This lets us ensure that the changes we made would actually be beneficial to the learning experience on Duolingo.

在Duolingo,我们相信使用数据来推动我们的决策是很重要的。这包括关于如何最好地教授语言的决定。当你在做你的日常西班牙语课程时,你可能没有想到这一点,但在后台,我们有专门的志愿者和工作人员团队,致力于改善我们教给你的课程,并开发新版本的课程,我们称之为 "树"。一旦这些树完成了,我们就把它们作为A/B实验发布给一部分学习者,并跟踪其对应用程序参与度的影响。这让我们确保我们所做的改变确实对Duolingo的学习体验有益。

However, one downside to this approach is that it is a very retrospective measure: it gives us information on how a tree performed after we have finished making changes. But what if we wanted to see how we’re doing on improving a course while we’re still working on it?


The problem: lack of sufficient data and metrics for Duolingo course contributors


Both our internal language experts and our volunteer contributors who create course content had ideas and opinions about what works and what doesn’t, but we didn’t have very detailed information about what kind of content actually drives the success of a course as a whole. We felt this was an important problem to solve, one that is critical to the course creation process.



(Protip: if you go to https://www.duolingo.com/courses/ and click on a language, you can see which contributors to thank for bringing you the original content of the course! For example, here’s the page for Portuguese from...


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