
Have you ever wondered how Duolingo figures out whether your answer counts as right or wrong? Let’s say you’re learning Portuguese and get “Eu tenho gatos demais” (literally I have cats too many) so you type “I have too many dogs.” You'll get a red ribbon and a sad Duo. How does Duolingo know? Although this example is pretty simple, deciding which translations should be accepted turns out to be a complex problem!

你有没有想过,Duolingo是如何计算出你的答案是对还是错的?比方说,你在学习葡萄牙语,得到 "Eu tenhogatosdemais"(字面意思是我有太多的猫),所以你输入 "我有太多的"。你会得到一条红丝带和一个悲伤的多。Duolingo是如何知道的?虽然这个例子很简单,但决定哪些翻译应该被接受,却变成了一个复杂的问题。

In this post, we’ll talk about why translation grading is so hard, and we'll report on a recent research project we organized to develop sophisticated artificial intelligence solutions to this problem.



How many ways can you say the same thing?


Our method for grading is to compare each learner response against a list of acceptable translations curated by expert translators. You can see an example of all the English translations of a Portuguese sentence here:



The number of translations can become huge depending on the length or complexity of the sentence. In one sentence in the English course for Chinese speakers – “Unfortunately, someone put my wool sweater in the dryer” – the number of Chinese translations reached over 6 billion! In that case, the many vocabulary options and possible word orders compounded to create this massive number. This can be a huge burden on our translators!


Not all sentences have this extreme number of translations, of course, but many still number in the hundreds. For humans, generating all of these translations is time-consuming, and it slows down course creation. If we could accelerate this proce...


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