
At Duolingo, striving for excellence is one of our core operating principles. We strive for excellence in our mobile app by devoting ourselves to a high-quality experience for every learner. As part of our commitment to building for a globally diverse audience, we've dedicated our efforts across the plethora of languages, operating systems, and mobile devices that our learners use. We run hundreds of A/B tests simultaneously, and staying on top of all possible versions of the app a learner might see depending on their user interface (UI) language, course, and device can become overwhelming. Until last year, there was no easy way to visually compare the same learner experience across multiple languages and devices to ensure a smooth, enjoyable experience for everyone.


Enter Bird's Eye.


The birth of Bird's Eye



Opening slide from Bird's Eye presentation at Duolingo Hackathon 2020

2020年Duolingo黑客马拉松上Bird's Eye演讲的开幕幻灯片

Like many great ideas at Duolingo, Bird’s Eye was born out of our annual hackathon: a collaborative event where employees across all areas of the company work together to develop brand-new ideas and passion projects.

像Duolingo的许多伟大的想法一样,Bird's Eye诞生于我们的年度黑客马拉松:这是一个合作活动,公司各个领域的员工共同开发全新的想法和激情项目。

Bird's Eye is an internal web application at Duolingo that allows us to quickly view and filter app screenshots across dozens of platforms, devices, and language combinations. In partnership with Senior Brand Designer Jack Morgan, I presented a working demo that enabled internal employees to explore app screenshots from the last several versions of the app on our new platform. The project generated a great deal of enthusiasm across our diverse product, engineering, and design organizations, and so I was provided with the opportunity to fully develop Bird's Eye into a ...


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