
As part of the PayPal Site Reliability & Cloud Engineering (SRCE) team, we are always striving to create new efficiencies through automation. However, writing software that automates what humans do intuitively is not a trivial task. Any component that automates any operation in PayPal infrastructure must provide the highest level of reliability, security, efficiency, and self-service capabilities. In this article, we are going to talk about how we achieve automation within Global Network Services (GNS).


The GNS team has a huge volume of operations that we need to automate. These operations range from mundane tasks that require a few hours of human effort, to complex tasks that require a multi-day effort from the operations team. The biggest challenge for us is, how do we automate big and small operations without consuming vast amounts of development cycles. This is an especially important aspect as we always strive to justify the “ROI (return on investment)”.

GNS团队有大量的操作需要实现自动化。这些操作包括从需要几个小时人力的平凡任务,到需要运营团队花费数天时间的复杂任务。对我们来说,最大的挑战是,我们如何在不消耗大量开发周期的情况下实现大小操作的自动化。这是一个特别重要的方面,因为我们总是努力证明 "ROI(投资回报)"的合理性。

Software Service Requirements


Morphing any network function into a service involves the following list of tasks that need to be completed for producing a working service:


User interface development


  • All the services that are exposed to the PayPal development community must have some form of user interface (UI) to let the users consume the network like any other service.
  • 所有暴露在PayPal开发社区的服务必须有某种形式的用户界面(UI),让用户像其他服务一样消费网络。

Database interaction and table management


  • The majority of services require database table design and writing the code for interacting with Database to manipulate data.
  • 大多数服务都需要数据库表的设计和编写与数据库交互的代码来操作数据。

Core business logic


  • The actual business logic of a specific service...

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