
Angus Croll

Angus Croll

Netflix is used by 222 million members and runs on over 1700 device types ranging from state-of-the-art smart TVs to low-cost mobile devices.


At Netflix we’re proud of our reliability and we want to keep it that way. To that end, it’s important that we prevent significant performance regressions from reaching the production app. Sluggish scrolling or late rendering is frustrating and triggers accidental navigations. Choppy playback makes watching a show less enjoyable. Any performance regression that makes it into a product release will degrade user experience, so the challenge is to detect and fix such regressions before they ship.


This post describes how the Netflix TVUI team implemented a robust strategy to quickly and easily detect performance anomalies before they are released — and often before they are even committed to the codebase.

这篇文章描述了Netflix TVUI团队如何实施一个强大的策略,在发布之前快速、轻松地检测出性能异常--而且往往是在它们被提交到代码库之前。

What do we mean by Performance?


Technically, “performance” metrics are those relating to the responsiveness or latency of the app, including start up time.

从技术上讲,"性能 "指标是与应用程序的响应性或延迟有关的指标,包括启动时间。

But TV devices also tend to be more memory constrained than other devices, and as such are more liable to crash during a memory spike — so for Netflix TV we actually care about memory at least as much as performance, maybe more so.


At Netflix the term “performance” usually encompasses both performance metrics (in the strict meaning) and memory metrics, and that’s how we’re using the term here.

在Netflix,"性能 "一词通常包括性能指标(严格意义上的)和内存指标,我们在这里也是这样使用这个词。

Why do we run Performance Tests on commits?


It’s harder to reason about the performance profile of pre-production code since we can’t gat...


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