
Maxine Qian | Data Scientist, Experimentation and Metric Sciences


graphic of person sitting at computer with data and charts on the screen

Ideas fuel innovation. Innovation drives our product toward our mission of bringing everyone the inspiration to create a life they love. The speed of innovation is determined by how quickly we can get a signal or feedback on the promise of an idea so we can learn whether to pursue or pivot. Online experimentation is often used to evaluate product ideas, but it is costly and time-consuming. Could we predict experiment outcomes without even running an experiment? Could it be done in hours instead of weeks? Could we rapidly pick only the best ideas to run an online experiment? This post will describe how Pinterest uses offline replay experimentation to predict experiment results in advance.


Online Experimentation Limitations


Data-supported decisions shape the evolution of our products at Pinterest. All product teams are empowered to test their product changes with online experimentation (A/B testing), a process to measure the impact on Pinterest users, aka Pinners. However, online experiments have several limitations:


  • Slow data collection: It takes at least seven days and often more to allow sufficient power and capture any weekly patterns.
  • 数据收集缓慢。至少需要七天,而且往往需要更多的时间,才能有足够的力量,并捕捉到任何每周的模式。
  • Limited simultaneous arms: There can only be a limited number of variations running at the same time to allow a sufficient sample size for each.
  • 有限的同时进行的武器。只能有有限的变化同时进行,以使每个变化有足够的样本量。
  • Risk-averse treatments: To minimize potential negative impact, there is an incentive to deploy safer, more conservative ideas instead of riskier but potentially highly impactful ideas.
  • 规避风险的处理方法。为了最大限度地减少潜在的负面影响,有动力部署更安全、更保守的想法,而不是风险更大但可能...

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