
Part 4 of our series on Airbnb’s Page Performance Score.

我们系列的第四部分是关于 Airbnb的页面性能得分.

Luping Lin


Airbnb’s home grown Page Performance Score (PPS) is designed to capture the rich, complex realities of performance by collecting a multitude of user-centric performance metrics and formulating them into one single 0-100 score. In this post we will deep dive into how we define and implement these metrics on Android. Make sure you read the overview blog post first to familiarize yourself with our PPS metrics and formula.




The entire customer journey on Airbnb is divided into different pages, each of which has its own measured PPS. In order to support this page-based performance tracking system, we built a standardized infrastructure that enables engineers to configure pages representing their features.


On Android a page is associated with a Fragment. Each fragment must provide a LoggingConfig object specifying a page name, which can later be retrieved whenever the page name needs to be referenced. We collect performance data throughout the fragment’s lifecycle, and only emit the logging event when the fragment is paused.


A universal PageName enum is used to uniquely identify each page, and is referenced across all platforms to consistently represent each page in our user journey.


Capturing Wait Time Perceived by Users


A key differentiator of our new Page Performance Score (PPS) is that it measures wait time that users can see. While our early measurement effort (mentioned in our overview blog post), which was based on the commonly known Time To Interactive (TTI) metric, measures code execution t...


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