At Medium Engineering we’re in the process of moving to Compose. Today I found some funny stuff I wanted to share quickly.
在Medium Engineering,我们正在转向 Compose。今天我发现了一些有趣的东西,想要快速分享一下。
I was having an elevated surface where there was no illumination effect on it so I had to look at why and how I could customize it.
no illumination in the 6 dp elevated surface
6 dp 的凸起表面没有照明
I was wondering why our colors weren’t illuminated in dark theme with Compose like described in material documentation with the following code:
Modifier.height(40.dp), color = MediumTheme.colors.backgroundNeutralPrimary,
Modifier.height(40.dp), color = MediumTheme.colors.backgroundNeutralPrimary,
shape = CircleShape,
shape = CircleShape,
elevation = 6._dp
_) { _// content
elevation = 6._dp
_) { _// 内容
Like every time a Compose behavior surprised me, I jumped into the composable code so here I follow my color into the Surface code with some cmd + click to see what I missed.
就像每次Compose的行为让我感到惊讶一样,我跳进了可组合的代码,所以我跟随我的颜色进入Surface代码,并使用一些cmd +点击来看看我错过了什么。
I ended up to:
@Composableprivate fun Surface( modifier: Modifier, shape: Shape, color: Color, contentColor: Color, border: BorderStroke?, elevation: Dp, clickAndSemanticsModifier: Modifier, content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
@Composableprivate fun Surface( modifier: Modifier, shape: Shape, color: Color, contentColor: Color, border: BorderStroke?, elevation: Dp, clickAndSemanticsModifier: Modifier, content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
val elevationOverlay = LocalElevationOverlay.current
val elevationOverlay = LocalElevationOverlay.current
val absoluteElevation = LocalAbsoluteElevation.current + elevation val backgroundColor = if (color == MaterialTheme.colors.surface && elevationOverlay != null) { elevationOverlay.apply(color, absoluteElevation) } else { color } CompositionLocalProvider(
val absoluteElevation = LocalAbsoluteElevation.current + elevation val backgroundColor = if (color...