
Amir Ziai, Aneesh Vartakavi, Kelli Griggs, Eugene Lok, Yvonne Jukes, Alex Alonso, Vi Iyengar, Anna Pulido

Amir ZiaiAneesh VartakaviKelli GriggsEugene LokYvonne JukesAlex AlonsoVi IyengarAnna Pulido



High-quality and consistent annotations are fundamental to the successful development of robust machine learning models. Conventional techniques for training machine learning classifiers are resource intensive. They involve a cycle where domain experts annotate a dataset, which is then transferred to data scientists to train models, review outcomes, and make changes. This labeling process tends to be time-consuming and inefficient, sometimes halting after a few annotation cycles.




Consequently, less effort is invested in annotating high-quality datasets compared to iterating on complex models and algorithmic methods to improve performance and fix edge cases. As a result, ML systems grow rapidly in complexity.


Furthermore, constraints on time and resources often result in leveraging third-party annotators rather than domain experts. These annotators perform the labeling task without a deep understanding of the model’s intended deployment or usage, often making consistent labeling of borderline or hard examples, especially in more subjective tasks, a challenge.


This necessitates multiple review rounds with domain experts, leading to unexpected costs and delays. This lengthy cycle can also result in model drift, as it takes longer to fix edge cases and deploy new models, potentially hurting usefulness and stakeholder trust.




We suggest that more direct involvement of domain experts, using a hu...


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