
It's not hard to bork your site's user experience by letting a long, expensive task hog the main thread. No matter how complex an application becomes, the event loop can still do only one thing at a time. If any of your code is squatting on it, everything else is on standby, and it usually doesn't take long for your users to notice.

让一个长时间、耗费资源的任务占用主线程会让你的网站用户体验变得糟糕。这无论应用程序变得多复杂,事件循环仍然只能同时做 一件事。如果你的任何代码在占用它,其他所有代码都处于待机状态,用户通常很快就会注意到这一点。

Here's a contrived example: we have a button for incrementing a count on the screen, alongside a big ol' loop doing some hard work. It's just running a synchronous pause, but pretend this is something meaningful that you, for whatever reason, need to perform on the main thread – and in order.

这是一个牵强的例子:我们有一个按钮用于在屏幕上增加计数,同时还有一个大循环在进行一些繁重的工作。它只是运行一个同步暂停,但假装这是一件有意义的事情,你出于某种原因需要在主线程上执行 - 并且是按顺序的。

<button id="button">count</button>
<div>Click count: <span id="clickCount">0</span></div>
<div>Loop count: <span id="loopCount">0</span></div> <script> function waitSync(milliseconds) { const start = Date.now(); while (Date.now() - start < milliseconds) {} } button.addEventListener("click", () => { clickCount.innerText = Number(clickCount.innerText) + 1; }); const items = new Array(100).fill(null); for (const i of items) { loopCount.innerText = Number(loopCount.innerText) + 1; waitSync(50); }

When you run this, nothing visually updates – not even the loop count. That's because the browser never gets a chance to paint to the screen. This is all you get, no matter how furiously you click. Only when the looping is completely finished do you get any feedback.


The dev tools flame chart corroborates this. That single task in the event loop takes five seconds to complete. Horrrrrible.


flame chart showing long, expensive task

If you've been in a similar situation before, you know that the solution is periodically break that big task up across multiple ticks of the event loop. This gives other part...


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