
  • Data lineage is an instrumental part of Meta’s Privacy Aware Infrastructure (PAI) initiative, a suite of technologies that efficiently protect user privacy. It is a critical and powerful tool for scalable discovery of relevant data and data flows, which supports privacy controls across Meta’s systems. This allows us to verify that our users’ everyday interactions are protected across our family of apps, such as their religious views in the Facebook Dating app, the example we’ll walk through in this post.
  • 数据血缘是Meta的隐私意识基础设施(PAI)计划的重要组成部分,这是一套有效保护用户隐私的技术。它是可扩展发现相关数据和数据流的关键和强大工具,支持Meta系统中的隐私控制。这使我们能够验证用户在我们的应用程序家族中的日常互动受到保护,例如他们在Facebook约会应用中的宗教观点,这是我们在本帖中将要演示的例子。
  • In order to build high-quality data lineage, we developed different techniques to collect data flow signals across different technology stacks: static code analysis for different languages, runtime instrumentation, and input and output data matching, etc. We then built an intuitive UX into our tooling that enables developers to effectively consume all of this lineage data in a systematic way, saving significant engineering time for building privacy controls. 
  • 为了构建高质量的数据血缘,我们开发了不同的技术来收集跨不同技术栈的数据流信号:针对不同语言的静态代码分析、运行时插桩以及输入和输出数据匹配等。然后,我们在我们的工具中构建了直观的用户体验,使开发人员能够以系统的方式有效地使用所有这些血缘数据,为构建隐私控制节省了大量工程时间。
  • As we expanded PAI across Meta, we gained valuable insights about the data lineage space. Our understanding of the privacy space evolved, revealing the need for early focus on data lineage, tooling, a cohesive ecosystem of libraries, and more. These initiatives have assisted in accelerating the development of data lineage and implementing purpose limitation controls more quickly and efficiently.
  • 随着我们在Meta扩展PAI,我们获得了宝贵的见解 关于数据血缘领域。我们对隐私领域的理解不断演变,揭示了对数据血缘、工具、库的统一生态系统等的早期关注的必要性。这些举措有助于加速数据血缘的发展,并更快更高效地实施目的限制控制。

At Meta, we believe that privacy enables product innovation. This belief has led us to developing Privacy Aware Infrastructure (PAI), which offers efficient and reliable first-class privacy constructs embedded in Meta infrastructure to address different priva...


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