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Looking at a layout at first glance might imply that it’s easy and straightforward to build. The moment you start building the initial layout, you will face challenges that you didn’t think about in your initial look at the design.


In this article, I will rethink how to build the featured news section on Vox.com and try to see if modern CSS will be helpful or not. For example, do we need to use container queries? Or fluid sizing? That’s the goal of this article. It’s a journey as I think aloud about building a layout that seems simple.


Table of contents


Analyzing the section


In the largest viewport, we have a 3 columns layout. Two of the columns take 25% of the width, and the middle one takes 50%. Here is a visual that shows them:


Now that we have an idea about the columns, let’s take a look at the components within them.


It might look a bit confusing to spot the differences, but I will walk you through each change so we can have an idea about what’s changing on each viewport size.


Changes from the large to medium


  • Featured section: almost the same, but with a different font size that is changing based on the viewport width.
  • 特色部分:几乎相同,但有一个不同的字体大小,根据视口宽度变化。
  • Blue section: the font size of each card title got smaller.
  • 蓝色部分:每张卡片标题的字体大小变小。
  • Pink section:
    • The first article’s thumb is hidden.
    • Layout is changed from one column to three columns.
    • Adding a separator at the top of the section.
  • 粉红色部分:
    • 第一篇文章的拇指被隐藏。
    • 版面从一栏改为三栏。
    • 在该部分的顶部增加了一个分隔符。

Changes from medium to small


  • All articles will switch to the horizontal style with the thumbnail shown for each one.
  • 所有的文章将切换到水平风格,每篇文章都显示缩略图。
  • The ...

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