
Shopify has grown exponentially in recent years. Throughout that growth dev, a homegrown Ruby program, was there to support complex local development environments running on developers’ laptops. This program’s core responsibility is to ensure that a developer is ready to start coding with minimal manual intervention on their first day. Our most complex projects take around an hour to configure on first instantiation and mere minutes to synchronize to the latest changes.

近年来,Shopify的发展呈指数式增长。在这一增长过程中,dev ,一个自制的Ruby程序,在那里支持复杂的本地开发环境,在开发人员的笔记本电脑上运行。这个程序的核心职责是确保开发人员在第一天就能以最小的人工干预开始编码。我们最复杂的项目在第一次实例化时需要大约一个小时的时间来配置,而同步到最新的变化只需几分钟。

The dev tool is supported by a lightweight virtual machine running on xhyve called railgun. This virtual machine runs an application’s supporting processes (MySQL, Redis, etc). This allows us to partition things a developer might work on from things that they're unlikely to ever work on. It also allows us some degree of control over the supporting processes that an application will rely on.

dev 工具由运行在xhyve 上的轻量级虚拟机支持,称为railgun 。这个虚拟机运行一个应用程序的支持进程(MySQL、Redis等)。这使我们能够将开发人员可能工作的东西与他们不太可能工作的东西分开。它还允许我们在一定程度上控制一个应用程序将依赖的支持进程。

We, the Environments team, are the developers of this tool. Our core responsibility at Shopify is to make sure that all developers have performant and useful development environments. We meet this responsibility by providing tools that remove repeatable tasks from developers’ day-to-day work into common, easy to reproduce development environments. Our team is part of a larger group that seeks to automate the entire developer workflow—from coding to testing to deployment.


We were incredibly proud of what we had accomplished with dev, but Shopify had outgrown it. Running a local instance of our majestic monolith was spinning fans and spooling swapfiles. Projects at Shopify were becoming more complex with more mov...


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