
How can you make your services observable and embrace service ownership? This article presents a variety of universally applicable design patterns for the developer to consider.


Design patterns in software development are repeatable solutions and best practices for solving commonly occurring problems. Even in the case of service monitoring, design patterns, when used appropriately, can help teams embrace service ownership and troubleshoot their services in production. You can think of service monitoring design patterns in three categories:


  1. **Health Checks
    **How do you know that your service is running — and, if it is — also doing what it’s supposed to be doing? Is it responding in a timely manner? Are there potential service issues that you can address before they affect customers?
  2. **健康检查
  3. **Real time Alerting
    **When something does go wrong — such as your service becoming unresponsive, slowing to a crawl, or using too many resources — do you have alerts that you configured to notify you of that issue?
  4. **实时警报
  5. **Troubleshooting
    **Has something gone wrong with your service? If it has, you probably need to know three things: when it happened, where it happened, and what caused it to happen. Use logs and traces to diagnose issues after they occur, and update your service so that those issues do not have lasting customer impacts.
  6. **故障排除

Let’s look at the patterns (and a few anti-patterns!) for each of these categories in turn.


Health Checks


The two patterns for health checks are the outside-in health check, which verifies that your service is running and determines response time / latency from your service, and ...


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