
At Salesforce, trust is our number one value. What this equates to is that our customers need to trust us; trust us to safeguard their data, trust that we will keep our services up and running, and trust that we will be there for them when they need us.


In the world of Software as a Service (SaaS), trust and availability have become synonymous. Availability represents that percentage of time and/or requests successfully handled.


Availability can be calculated as the number of successful requests divided by the number of total requests.


As a result, a few things become prevalent.


  1. In order have high availability, you must have low mean time to recovery (MTTR).
  2. 为了拥有高可用性,你必须有低的平均恢复时间(MTTR)。
  3. In order to have low MTTR, you must have low mean time to detection (MTTD).
  4. 为了有低的MTTR,你必须有低的平均检测时间(MTTD)。
  5. How can we distinguish between server errors and client errors? Is our availability penalized for client errors?
  6. 我们如何区分服务器错误和客户端错误?我们的可用性是否因客户端错误而受到惩罚?
  7. How do we calculate the availability of our service in regards to dependent services? Should our availability metrics show when a dependent service is down?
  8. 我们如何计算我们的服务在附属服务方面的可用性?我们的可用性指标是否应该显示依赖服务发生故障时的情况?

The Solution


In order to comprehensively tackle this issue, we implemented a three-pronged strategy for the Salesforce Commerce APIs: monitoring, continuous testing, and alerting. Additionally, availability is broken down into multiple categories to allow for pinpointing and tackling problematic areas.

为了全面解决这个问题,我们为Salesforce Commerce APIs实施了一个三管齐下的策略:监控持续 测试警报。此外,可用性被细分为多个类别,以便准确定位和处理有问题的区域。



At the core of this problem is the ability to observe what is happening in the system. For a given API call, we need to know:


  • The overall latency
  • 总的延时
  • The response code
  • 响应代码
  • The latency and response codes for calls to any dependent services
  • 调用任何...

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