
This topic introduces the methodology to mavenize more than 3,000 business libraries built by a legacy system. Those libraries together build up a huge dependency graph with sub-belonging dependencies. The article highlights the challenges during the migration process, including how to test the libraries in build and runtime level.


On eBay, there are a large number of site businesses, which we support across 3,000+ libraries for different business domains (e.g. buying, selling and shipping). Those libraries are still using old code structures, and owners cannot use the standard maven approach to develop and release on their own.They have to use a specific IDE to build and compile, which is cumbersome to set up. Later, they need to go through a full codebase central build process for release.This way of development is stale and given the fact that these libraries are requested to become maven native style, a strategy must be evaluated thoroughly in order for more than 3,000 libraries to be mavenized and verified. 


A flowchart describing the maven repository



Mavenization is not simply generating a pom.xml. It must be able to decouple the full codebase central build into an independent project build with the same output. The legacy build system has existed for more than 20 years. It has become a monolithic system that few people have knowledge on how it works. It also requires a huge amount of extra effort to find and investigate every little difference that lies in between the two build systems in order to automate the mavenization process. Meanwhile, after manvenization, the team should address solid and practical automation designs to verify the libraries. 



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