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Have you ever come across a case where position: sticky isn’t working as expected with a child of a grid container? A few days ago, I was helping a friend in fixing that exact problem and wanted to finally write about it.

你是否遇到过这样的情况:position: sticky ,在网格容器的一个子节点上不能按预期工作?几天前,我正在帮助一个朋友解决这个确切的问题,并想最终写下这个问题。



That problem isn’t actually something buggy or wrong. In fact, that’s the effect of a default CSS behavior. Why and how? Let’s see the following example.


<div class="wrapper"> <aside></aside> <main></main>
.wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 250px minmax(10px, 1fr); grid-gap: 1rem;

We have a grid that makes the aside take 250px of width, and the rest of the available space is for the main section. Simple, right?

我们有一个网格,使一旁的宽度占到250px ,其余的可用空间是主部分。很简单,对吗?

Now, we want to add position: sticky to the aside element to make it fixed while scrolling.

现在,我们要在一旁的元素上添加position: sticky ,使其在滚动时固定下来。

aside { position: sticky; top: 0;

Oops. It’s not working? Why is that? Let’s find out.


The default behavior of align-items


Adding a background to the aside element will show that its height is equal to the main section.


This is the default behavior of the align-items property. It defaults to stretch. As a result, a column will stretch in height to match the largest column in the grid.

这是align-items 属性的默认行为。它默认为拉伸。因此,一列的高度将被拉伸,以匹配网格中最大的一列。

Let me show you another example that will help in illustrating the problem better. We have a simple grid container.


.cards__list { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr; grid-gap: 1rem;

By default, the cards will stretch to match the largest card (The first one from the right). To override that behavior, we need to change the align-items value to start.



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