话题编程语言 › PHP


Generating PHP Documentation with Sami

Younes Rafie demonstrates using Sami, the documentation generator, to extract docs from your code's docblocks - even across several tagged versions

Logging Tips for PHP Developers

With a bit of creativity and forethought, PHP log files can be leveraged to serve as a valuable source of usage information and even basic analytics. Here’s how.

What happens when I allocate a PHP variable ?

PHP: a fractal of bad design / fuzzy notepad

Social Logins in PHP with HybridAuth

Agbonghama explores a PHP package used for adding social logins to your PHP application. Log your users in with FB, Google, Github, etc!

PHP Not Working? Check for These 10 Common PHP Mistakes

Are you guilty of one of these common PHP mistakes? Refer to this list next time you’re debugging PHP code.

php 实现同一个账号同时只能一个人登录



PHP: Escape sequences

PHP 中「自增、自减」运算引发的奇怪问题


异常在 PHP 5.3 中的最佳实践

New and cool features in PHP5.6


PHPDBG是一个PHP的SAPI模块,可以在不用修改代码和不影响性能的情况下控制PHP的运行环境。 PHPDBG的目标是成为一个轻量级、强大、易用的PHP调试平台。可以在PHP5.4和之上版本中使用。在php5.6和之上版本将内部集成。 主要功能: - 单步x

PHP: Collecting Cycles


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