Why Zalando trusts in PostgreSQL

相关话题: #zalando
2. Why Zalando trusts in PostgreSQL A developer’s view on using the most advanced open-source database Henning Jacobs - Technical Lead Platform/Software Zalando GmbH Valentine Gogichashvili - Technical Lead Platform/Database Zalando GmbH GOTO Berlin 2013, 2013-10-18
3. Who we are Henning Jacobs <henning.jacobs@zalando.de> with Zalando since 2010 NO DBA, NO PostgreSQL Expert Valentine Gogichashvili <valentine.gogichashvili@zalando.de> with Zalando since 2010 DBA, PostgreSQL Expert 3/37
4. About Zalando · · · · · 14 countries > 1 billion € revenue 2012 > 150,000 products 3 warehouses Europe's largest online fashion retailer 4/37
5. Our ZEOS Platform 5/37
6. Our Main Stack Java → PostgreSQL Main/Production CXF-WS SProcWrapper JDBC Tomcat API Schema Data Schemas Postgres Java 7, Tomcat 7, PostgreSQL 9.0–9.3 6/37
7. Our Main Stacks Different Use Cases — same Database Main/Production CRUD/JPA Scripting/Python CXF-WS CXF-WS HTTP/REST SProcWrapper JPA SQLAlchemy JDBC Tomcat JDBC Tomcat psycopg2 CherryPy Postgres Data Schemas Postgres Data Schemas Postgres API Schema Data Schemas Java 7, Tomcat 7, Python 2.7, PostgreSQL 9.0–9.3 7/37
8. Some Numbers · · · · · · > 90 deployment units (WARs) > 800 production Tomcat instances > 50 different databases > 90 database master instances > 5 TB of PostgreSQL data > 200 developers, 8 DBAs 8/37
9. Stored Procedures SET search_path .... SELECT register_customer(...) API Schemas stored procedures, custom types, ... z_api_v13_42 register_customer(..) find_orders(..) ... register_customer(..) find_orders(..) ... Data Schema(s) tables, views, ... z_data customer order order_address ... 9/37
10. Stored Procedures 1:1 Mapping using SProcWrapper @SProcService public interface CustomerSProcService { @SProcCall int registerCustomer(@SProcParam String email, @SProcParam Gender gender); } CREATE FUNCTION register_customer(p_email text, p_gender z_data.gender) RETURNS int AS $$ INSERT INTO z_data.customer (c_email, c_gender) VALUES (p_email, p_gender) RETURNING c_id $$ LANGUAGE 'sql' SECURITY DEFINER; JAVA SQL 10/37
11. Stored Procedures Complex Types @SProcCall List<Order> findOrders(@SProcParam String email); CREATE FUNCTION find_orders(p_email text, OUT order_id int, OUT order_date timestamp, OUT shipping_address order_address) RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$ SELECT o_id, o_date, ROW(oa_street, oa_city, oa_country)::order_address FROM z_data.order JOIN z_data.order_address ON oa_order_id = o_id JOIN z_data.customer ON c_id = o_customer_id WHERE c_email = p_email $$ LANGUAGE 'sql' SECURITY DEFINER; JAVA SQL 11/37
12. Stored Procedures Experience · · · · · · · Performance benefits Easy to change live behavior Validation close to data Simple transaction scope Makes moving to new software version easy Cross language API layer CRUD ⇒ JPA 12/37
13. Stored Procedures Rolling out database changes · API versioning - Automatic roll-out during deployment - Java backend selects "right" API version · Modularization - shared SQL gets own Maven artifacts - feature/library bundles of Java+SQL · DB-Diffs - SQL scripts for database changes - Review process - Tooling support 13/37
14. Stored Procedures & Constraints Protect Your Most Valuable Asset: Your Data 14/37
15. Constraints Ensuring Data Quality Simple SQL expressions: SQL CREATE TABLE z_data.host ( h_hostname varchar(63) NOT NULL UNIQUE CHECK (h_hostname ~ '^[a-z][a-z0-9-]*$'), UNIQUE CHECK (masklen(h_ip) = 32), h_ip inet h_memory_bytes bigint CHECK (h_memory_bytes > 8*1024*1024) ); COMMENT ON COLUMN z_data.host.h_memory_bytes IS 'Main memory (RAM) of host in Bytes'; Combining check constraints and stored procedures: CREATE TABLE z_data.customer ( NOT NULL UNIQUE CHECK (is_valid_email(c_email)), c_email text .. ); SQL 15/37
16. Constraints What about MySQL? The MySQL manual says: The CHECK clause is parsed but ignored by all storage engines. Open Bug ticket since 2004: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=3464 http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-table.html 16/37
17. Constraints Custom Type Validation using Triggers config_value config_type cv_id : serial cv_key : text cv_value : json cv_type_id : int ct_id : serial ct_name : text ct_type : base_type ct_regex : text ... key: recipientEmail value: "john.doe@example.org" type: EMAIL_ADDRESS 17/37
18. Custom Type Validation using Triggers CREATE FUNCTION validate_value_trigger() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM validate_value(NEW.cv_value, NEW.cv_type_id); END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; SQL CREATE FUNCTION validate_value(p_value json, p_type_id int) RETURNS void AS $$ import json import re # ... Python code, see next slide $$ LANGUAGE 'plpythonu'; SQL 18/37
19. Custom Type Validation with PL/Python PYTHON class TypeValidator(object): @staticmethod def load_by_id(id): tdef = plpy.execute('SELECT * FROM config_type WHERE ct_id = %d' % int(id))[0] return _get_validator(tdef) def check(self, condition, msg): if not condition: raise ValueError('Value does not match the type "%s". Details: %s' % (self.type_name, msg)) class BooleanValidator(TypeValidator): def validate(self, value): self.check(type(value) is bool, 'Boolean expected') validator = TypeValidator.load_by_id(p_type_id) validator.validate(json.loads(p_value)) 19/37
20. Scaling? 20/37
21. Sharding Scaling Horizontally App SProcWrapper Shard 1 Cust. A-F Shard 2 Cust. G-K Shard N Cust. Y-Z 21/37
22. Sharding SProcWrapper Support Sharding customers by ID: @SProcCall int registerCustomer(@SProcParam @ShardKey int customerId, @SProcParam String email, @SProcParam Gender gender); JAVA Sharding articles by SKU (uses MD5 hash): @SProcCall Article getArticle(@SProcParam @ShardKey Sku sku); JAVA Collecting information from all shards concurrently: @SProcCall(runOnAllShards = true, parallel = true) List<Order> findOrders(@SProcParam String email); JAVA 22/37
23. Sharding Auto Partitioning Collections @SProcCall(parallel = true) void updateStockItems(@SProcParam @ShardKey List<StockItem> items); JAVA 23/37
24. Sharding Bitmap Data Source Providers 24/37
25. Sharding Experience · · · · Scalability without sacrificing any SQL features Start with a reasonable number of shards (8) Some tooling required Avoid caching if you can and scale horizontally 25/37
26. Fail Safety Replication · All databases use streaming replication · Every database has a (hot) standby and a delayed slave WAL Service IP App WAL Slave with 1 h delay Hot Standby for readonly queries 26/37
27. Fail Safety Failover · Service IP for switching/failover · Monitoring with Java and custom web frontend · Failover is manual task 27/37
28. Fail Safety General Remarks · Good hardware - G8 servers from HP - ECC RAM, RAID · No downtimes allowed - Major PostgreSQL version upgrades? · Two data centers · Dedicated 24x7 team · Maintenance - Concurrent index rebuild, table compactor 28/37
29. Monitoring You need it... · Nagios/Icinga · PGObserver · pg_view 29/37
30. Monitoring PGObserver 30/37
31. Monitoring PGObserver · Locate hot spots - Frequent stored procedure calls - Long running stored procedures - I/O patterns · Helps tuning DB performance · Creating the right indices often a silver bullet 31/37
32. Monitoring pg_view · Top-like command line utility · DBA's daily tool · Analyze live problems · Monitor data migrations 32/37
33. NoSQL Relational is dead? If your project is not particularly vital and/or your team is not particularly good, use relational databases! Martin Fowler, GOTO Aarhus 2012 People vs. NoSQL, GOTO Aarhus 2012 33/37
34. NoSQL Relational is dead? The key goals of F1's design are: 3. Consistency: The system must provide ACID transactions, [..] 4. Usability: The system must provide full SQL query support [..] Features like indexes and ad hoc query are not just nice to have, but absolute requirements for our business. F1: A Distributed SQL Database That Scales 34/37
35. NoSQL – Comparison · Aggregate oriented? Schemaless - SProcWrapper Aggregate-Oriented - Changes? Document Column-Family · Schemaless? Key-Value - ⇒ Implicit Schema - HStore, JSON · Scaling? · Auth*? · Use cases? ⇒ "Polyglot Persistence" Graph Introduction to NoSQL, GOTO Aarhus 2012 35/37
36. YeSQL PostgreSQL at Zalando · Fast, stable and well documented code base · Performs as well as (and outperforms some) NoSQL databases while retaining deeper exibility · Scaling horizontally can be easy · Know your tools — whatever they are! PostgreSQL and NoSQL 36/37
37. Thank You! Please Visit also · SProcWrapper – Java library for stored procedure access github.com/zalando/java-sproc-wrapper · PGObserver – monitoring web tool for PostgreSQL github.com/zalando/PGObserver · pg_view – top-like command line activity monitor github.com/zalando/pg_view tech.zalando.com Please rate this session! 37/37

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