
1. 53 15 2017 DOI 8 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Vol.53 No.15 Aug. 2017 10.3901/JME.2017.15.001 * ( 610065) TH122 Review on Research of Design Thinking LI Yan LIU Hongwei LI Mengdie YUAN Ping (School of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065) Abstract Design and innovation are the dominant themes of current times. Innovation is not the equivalent of technological invention, and it focuses on creating value by design, during the whole process of delivering technologies to users. Design thinking is the thought pattern to implement this process, and it is a way of innovation with considerable influence, high efficiency, and wild applicability. Design thinking can be broadly extended and integrated to every level as well as every field of the society. Therefore, any person or group can create new ideas efficiently by design thinking, and then make these ideas tangible as well as effective. Currently, the domestic and international scholars have carried out intensive research on design thinking and its related dimensions. This article systematically reviews the advances of research from the connotation of design thinking, implementation process of design thinking, methods and tools for design thinking, and research methods for design thinking. Finally, some existing issues and suggestions for further research are also summarized. Key words design thinking design innovation innovation method innovative design [3] * 0 2004 5 [4] 21 (Ideology, IDEO) [1] · 21 [2] * (51435011) 20161101 [5] 20170215
2. 2 53 15 BROWN [6] · [7] [14-18] 1969 1987 ROWE [8] 1992 BUCHANAN [9] 2005 [10] d.school 1 , [11] [12] 2012 Forget B-school, D-school is hot [7] , [13] [6] [19] IDEO 21 (IBM) (GE) (Microsoft) (Airbus) (Panasonic) (Cisco) (Deloitte Innovation) (SAP) (Procter And Gamble) (Whirlpool) (Bayer) (BMW) (DHL) (Daimler) (Deutsche Bank) (Philips Electronics) (Infosys) (Autodesk) (Bank Of America) (Mayo Clinic) (Shell Innovation Research) (GlaxoSmithKline) (Nike) (JetBlue) (Kaiser permanent) [12] 2008 (Unilever) (Hasso Plattner Foundation) [20-22] 1.1 [23-25] [6] SIMON [26] [26] ( )
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