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Introduction to creating IntelliJ IDEA plugins

This tutorial covers the basics of creating a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA using the Plugin SDK. It covers the basics, like what components and services are, what extension points and extensions are, along with persistent state components, and unit testing. Topics like disposables, PSI, VFS, read/write locks, are not covered in this tutorial.

你们要的Intellij IDEA 插件开发秘籍,来了!

大家在使用Android Studio开发的时候都会使用一些插件,来方便我们的开发工作,提升工作效率。在进行手机京东Android客户端瘦身工作时,我们将压缩图片的相关功能封装成了 IDEA 插件:ImgOptimi 图片优化工具(参考链接http://sdk.av.jd.com/share/ImgOptimi/img-optimi.html)。这里总结一下 Intellij IDEA 插件开发的知识,供大家参考。

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