话题公司 › Uber


关联话题: 优步


优步的名称大多认为是源自于德文über,和over是同源,意思是“在…上面”。 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)




Evolving Schemaless into a Distributed SQL Database

2016年,我们发表了关于Schemaless--Uber Engineering的可扩展数据存储的文章(一、二)。我们介绍了Schemaless的设计以及解释了开发它的原因。今天这篇文章我们要讲的是Schemaless如何演进成一个通用的事务性数据库Docstore。

Fast and Reliable Schema-Agnostic Log Analytics Platform


Uber's Real-time Data Intelligence Platform At Scale: Improving Gairos Scalability/Reliability


The Journey Towards Metric Standardization

uber 使用数据指标来指导业务决策,但经常因为业务统计口径不一致,造成决策失误,为此uber统一的内部度量平台 uMetric。

Disaster Recovery for Multi-Region Kafka at Uber

Uber has one of the largest deployments of Apache Kafka in the world, processing trillions of messages and multiple petabytes of data per day. As Figure 1 shows, today we position Apache Kafka as a cornerstone to Uber’s technology stack and build a complex ecosystem on top of it to empower a large number of different workflows.

Uber’s Real-Time Push Platform

How we went from polling for refreshing the app to a gRPC-based bi-directional streaming protocol to build our app experience.

No Code Workflow Orchestrator for Building Batch & Streaming Pipelines at Scale

At Uber, several petabytes of data move across and within various platforms every day. We power this data movement by a strong backbone of data pipelines. Whether it’s ingesting the data from millions of Uber trips or transforming the ingested data for analytical and machine learning models, it all runs through these pipelines. To put it in perspective, Uber’s data platform runs upwards of 15,000 data pipelines!

Horovod v0.21: Optimizing Network Utilization with Local Gradient Aggregation and Grouped Allreduce

We originally open-sourced Horovod in 2017, and since then it has grown to become the standard solution in industry for scaling deep learning training to hundreds of GPUs.  With Horovod, you can reduce training times from days or weeks to hours or minutes by adding just a few lines of Python code to an existing TensorFlow, PyTorch, or Apache MXNet training script.

Turning Metadata Into Insights with Databook

Every day in over 10,000 cities around the world, millions of people rely on Uber to travel, order food, and ship cargo. Our apps and services are available in over 69 countries and run 24 hours a…

Revolutionizing Money Movements at Scale with Strong Data Consistency

Uber as a platform invites its users to leverage it, earn from it, and be delighted by it. Serving more than 18 million requests per day, in 10,000+ cities, has enabled people to move freely and to…

Uber 正在成为美团外卖,滴滴还有多远?




iOS 架构谈:剖析 Uber 的 RIB 架构

Uber 移动架构剖析


uber 在 Github 上开源了一套用于服务限流的 go 语言库 ratelimit, 该组件基于 Leaky Bucket(漏桶) 实现。 我在之前写过一篇 《Golang 限流器 time/rate 实现剖析》,分析了 Golang 标准库中基于 Token Bucket 实现限流组件的 time/rate 原理,同时也讲了限流的一些背景。 相比于 TokenBucket 中,只要桶内还有

新 Uber 司机端是如何克服网络延迟问题

新 Uber 司机端是如何克服网络延迟问题 本文是 Uber 的客户端工程师团队讲述了如何开发最新版本司机端系列文章中的第三篇,该系列代号 Carbon ,是我们共享出行业务的核心。包括其它功能在内,Uber 司机端使得超过 300 万名司机可以查看费用、里程以及收益情况。2017 年我们结合司机的反馈开始对司机端进行重新设计,并在 2018 年 9 月份启动了该项目。 城市建筑和无线数据技术的竞



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