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BMS: 基于Airflow的分布式工作流调度管理平台

在本文中,我们讨论了 eBay 如何基于开源框架Airflow,构建了面向批处理工作流的可视化管理平台——BMS。

eBay万台规模Hadoop集群3.3 升级实践

本文将会详细介绍eBay Hadoop集群升级到3.3版本的实践经验,并介绍eBay Hadoop集群升级到3.3版本后的收获总结和未来展望,以及如何最大化Hadoop 3.3升级带给我们的好处。

eBay CAL日志服务存储优化

CAL日志服务(Centralized Application Logging framework)是eBay平台的关键基础设施之一。本文将分享eBay团队的CAL日志服务存储优化实践经验。

Multi-Relevance Ranking Model for Similar Item Recommendation

Buyers reveal a whole range of behaviors and interests when they browse our pages, so we decided to incorporate these additional purchase intent signals into our machine learning model to improve the relevance of our recommended items.

How We Export Billion-Scale Graphs on Transactional Graph Databases

本文介绍了在eBay的NuGraph分析插件中,作者使用JanusGraph和Spark进行图导出,并通过优化Tinkerpop的SparkGraphComputer和CloneVertexProgram解决了性能问题。作者还介绍了基于导出图的图结构分析方法,并提到了实现顶点度分布的幂律分布模型。作者还提到了解决处理数十亿顶点和边时出现的JVM内存管理问题的技术和改进。此外,文章提供了一些相关工具和资源的链接,包括FoundationDB、Supernode问题的解决方案、Gremlin查询语言、Nebula Algorithm、Async-profiler和Memory Analyzer。

Beyond Words: How Multimodal Embeddings Elevate eBay's Product Recommendations

By integrating information from different modalities of eBay listings such as titles and images, we greatly improved the buyer experience and relevance of the recommended items on eBay’s listing pages.

揭秘eBay Kafka跨数据中心高可用方案

本文讨论了基于local-aggregation集群拓扑, 设计Kafka跨数据中心高可用方案的思路,同时支撑了上下游数据和服务的高可用和连续性。

eBay’s Common Automation Solution for Platform Evolution

Here at eBay, we’ve crafted a brand new approach to automate platform evolution for all applications — one that provides a repeatable and reusable infrastructure to streamline evolution.

eBay’s Blazingly Fast Billion-Scale Vector Similarity Engine

The Similarity Engine's use cases include item-to-item similarity for text and image modality and user-to-item personalized recommendations based on a user’s historical behavior data.

How eBay Modernized the Most Important Page on Our Platform

eBay's core page — the View Item page — gets 250 million views per day. Here's how we took on the task of modernizing it.

How eBay's New Search Feature Was Inspired By Window Shopping

A new feature generates customer delight by using modern computer vision techniques to drive new search paradigms through visual discovery.

Open-Source Contribution: New Maven Dependency Resolution Algorithm

It’s been effective at speeding up productivity, pushed to eBay, and contributed back to the open source community.

Variable Hub: Easier Data Integration for Risk Decisioning

A new risk data hub for decisioning can significantly boost variable time-to-market, with high performance under billions of query traffic.

API Evolution Is a Challenge. Could Contract Testing Be the Solution?

Contract testing has grown in popularity in recent years with the widespread adoption of microservice architectures. In this article, we will share our experiences with contract testing at eBay.

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