Problem-solution fit canvas

1. Purpose / Vision CC What constraints prevent your customers from taking action or limit their choices of solutions? i.e. spending power, budget, no cash, network connection, available devices. J&P Which jobs-to-be-done (or problems) do you address for your customers? There could be more than one; explore different sides. 9. PROBLEM ROOT CAUSE RC 10. YOUR SOLUTION If you are working on an existing business, write down your current solution first, fill in the canvas, and check how much it fits reality. If you are working on a new business proposition, then keep it blank until you fill in the canvas and come up with a solution that fits within customer limitations, solves a problem and matches customer behaviour. EM How do customers feel when they face a problem or a job and afterwards? i.e. lost, insecure > confident, in control - use it in your communication strategy & design. Problem-Solution it canvas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license Created by Daria Nepriakhina / AS Which solutions are available to the customers when they face the problem or need to get the job done? What have they tried in the past? What pros & cons do these solutions have? i.e. pen and paper is an alternative to digital notetaking 7. BEHAVIOUR BE SL 8. CHANNELS of BEHAVIOUR 8.1 ONLINE What kind of actions do customers take online? Extract online channels from #7 8.2 OFFLINE What kind of actions do customers take offline? Extract offline channels from #7 and use them for customer development. CH TR 5. AVAILABLE SOLUTIONS What does your customer do to address the problem and get the job done? i.e. directly related: find the right solar panel installer, calculate usage and benefits; indirectly associated: customers spend free time on volunteering work (i.e. Greenpeace) What is the real reason that this problem exists? What is the back story behind the need to do this job? i.e. customers have to do it because of the change in regulations. What triggers customers to act? i.e. seeing their neighbour installing solar panels, reading about a more efficient solution in the news. 4. EMOTIONS: BEFORE / AFTER 6. CUSTOMER CONSTRAINTS 2. JOBS-TO-BE-DONE / PROBLEMS 3. TRIGGERS CS Who is your customer? i.e. working parents of 0-5 y.o. kids 1. CUSTOMER SEGMENT(S)

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