ElasticLog with ES in CloudEdge

1. ElasticLog with ES in CloudEdge Bruce Zhao
2. CloudEdge • A hybrid Unified Threat Management (UTM) appliance. • • 2 Firewall, IPS, URL filter, web security, email security, application control, bandwidth control, user VPN, etc. Combination of on-premise appliance and cloud service. Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc.
3. Project ElasticLog Internet Continuous Structured Data 3 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc. Bandwidth Security Policy
4. Project ElasticLog Data Analytics 4 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc.
5. Project ElasticLog {…} … A scalable big data system built on AWS 5 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc.
6. Project ElasticLog • • Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc. Provide second-level query for 6 month data, most queries will hit the 1st month data. • 6 1,300,000 data per minute, will increase to 5 * 1,300,000 at the end of this year. Data MUST be accurate. No less no more.
7. Client Cloud EMR EMR Stats Data Kinesis Stream Log Receivers Hot Data All Data Minute Level CE Boxes All Data S3 CECC Portal REST API ES API Athena SQL (query) REST API S3 ECS User Report Athena 7 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc. Hot Data Hour Level
8. ES in ElasticLog • Hot data storage and query • • 1 month data • • 1,300,000 data injection per minute Second-level query T1-minute One cluster • 3 dedicated master nodes + 10 data nodes • Master node: M4.large, Data node: C4.2Xlarge • Cost: $7622 per month Roll index by week • 28 indices at most • 8 T1-hour T2-hour T3-hour T4-hour T5-hour Build on AWS • • Indices of one data type 200 primary shards, 1 replica Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc. T6-hour
9. ES on AWS • Why is AWS ES? • • • All cloud services are on AWS AWS ES is a managed service AWS ES • • VPC + Security Group • Blue/Green deployment • Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc. Zone awareness • 9 Easy to use Monitor + Auto-Snapshot
10. Best Practices in ES • • Shard Allocation • Fast Injection in Spark • 10 Index Design Data Deduplication Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc.
11. Index Design One Index • Unable to update some mapping settings, e.g., primary shard number • Better for fixed/small data set • How to determine the interval? • • • Unable to scale out flexibly and rapidly • Time-based Index • Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc. Change frequency Try weekly-split by default How to implement? • 11 Data amount Index template
12. { "facet_internet_access_minute": { "template": "ce-index-access-v1-*", "order": 0, "settings": { "number_of_shards": 5 }, "aliases": { "{index}-query": {} }, "mappings": { "es_doc": { "dynamic": "strict", "_all": { "enabled": false }, "_source": { "enabled": false }, "properties": { "CLF_Timestamp": { "type": "long" }, "CLF_CustomerID": { "type": "keyword" }, "CLF_ClientIP": { "type": "ip", "ignore_malformed": true } } } } } } 12 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc. • DO NOT use multiple doc_type in one index • • • Fields that have the same names in different types must have the same mapping definition Not support in 6.0 Set _source=false • • • Suppose you only care about metric results, not raw documents content Will save disk space and reduce IO Set _all=false • Suppose you know exactly what fields you want to query
13. { "facet_internet_access_minute": { "template": "ce-index-access-v1-*", "order": 0, "settings": { "number_of_shards": 5 }, "aliases": { "{index}-query": {} }, "mappings": { "es_doc": { "dynamic": "strict", "_all": { "enabled": false }, "_source": { "enabled": false }, "properties": { "CLF_Timestamp": { "type": "long" }, "CLF_CustomerID": { "type": "keyword" }, "CLF_ClientIP": { "type": "ip", "ignore_malformed": true } } } } } } 13 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc. • Set dynamic=strict • • • Suppose your data is structured-data Avoid dirty-data injection Set not_analyzed for String • Suppose you only care about full match • • Use “keyword” in 5.x Improve injection performance and disk space
14. { "facet_internet_access_minute": { "template": "ce-index-access-v1-*", "order": 0, "settings": { "number_of_shards": 5 }, "aliases": { "{index}-query": {} }, "mappings": { "es_doc": { "dynamic": "strict", "_all": { "enabled": false }, "_source": { "enabled": false }, "properties": { "CLF_Timestamp": { "type": "long" }, "CLF_CustomerID": { "type": "keyword" }, "CLF_ClientIP": { "type": "ip", "ignore_malformed": true } } } } } } 14 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc. How to switch from one index to the other one without downtime? Index Index (ce-index-v1-access-1524096000) (ce-index-v1-access-1524096000-h) Alias (ce-index-v1-access-1524096000-query)
15. Shard Allocation Index Node 1 1 15 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc. 2 Node 2 2 3 Node 3 3 1
16. Shard Allocation 4 5 Calculate Shard Number Estimate Instance Number and Type 6 Performance Test, Adjust Instances 3 1 Design Index 2 Estimate Index Size and Disk Space Estimate Data Amount • Each shard size should be less than 30GB • Shard Number = k * Data Nodes Number (k = a small integer) • Suppose you have an small index, and you have enough instances in the cluster, try to use default shard number 16 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc.
17. Shard Allocation Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 C4.2Xlarge 1 2 4 6 2 Node 1 1 2 3 5 4 3 Node 2 2 3 1 6 5 Node 3 3 1 C4.Xlarge Node 4 4 17 5 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc. Node 5 5 6 Node 6 6 4
18. Fast Injection in Spark EMR ES-Hadoop 18 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc.
19. Fast Injection in Spark Driver Spark Application Slave Worker Slave Worker Executor Number of Spark Task = Number of vCores Executor Task Task Task Task Node 2 ThreadPool Node 1 ThreadPool Node 3 ThreadPool 19 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc.
20. Data Deduplication 2 1 7 3 CE Box Log Receiver 4 5 6 AWS Kinesis Driver AWS S3 Spark Application Slave Worker Slave Worker Executor Executor Task 20 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc. Task Task Task will retry for 3 times for any failure Task
21. Data Deduplication • • Use aggregation to find out duplication and delete those documents • 21 Use a custom unique ID Do distinct query Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc.
22. Data Deduplication • Step 1: Add a “hash” field in all documents • Step 2: Check duplication curl -XGET http://stg-elasticlog.ap-northeast-1.es.amazonaws.com/ce-index-v1-access-1524096000/_search?pretty -d ' { "size": 0, "aggs": { "duplicate": { "terms": { "field": "hash", "min_doc_count": 2, "size": 5000 }, "aggs": { "documents": { "top_hits": { "size": 2 } } } } } } ‘ • • • 22 Step 3: Bulk delete Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc. Do not affect injection Can be asynchronous
23. Data Deduplication • Storage size increased heavily • Will be slower or even failed to do aggregation when data amount is more than 0.3 billion Field “hash” is unique! 23 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc. • Unfriendly to compression • High-Cardinality
24. Data Deduplication • Auto-generated IDs are 20 character long, URL-safe, Base64-encoded GUID strings • For custom ID, try to pick up an ID that is friendly to Lucene (http://blog.mikemccandless.com/2014/05/choosing-fast-unique-identifier-uuid.html) 24 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc.
25. Q&A 25 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc.
26. Elastic https://elasticsearch.cn/ 26 Copyright 2018 Trend Micro Inc.

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