WebAssembly Annual Report 2021

1. WebAssembly Annual Report 2021 Jason Yu 于航 PayPal ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
3. 关于我 Software Engineer @ PayPal Jason Yu 于航 《深入浅出 WebAssembly》 极客时间 -《WebAssembly 入⻔课》 Web \ Wasm \ VM @Becavalier @Jason于航 ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
4. WebAssembly 基本介绍 议程 WebAssembly 快速实践 WebAssembly 进展与案例 WebAssembly 提案 & Tooling WebAssembly 2021 ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
5. WebAssembly 基本介绍
6. 运行时 - JavaScript Engine Pipeline (V8) JavaScript Source Code Parser AST Interpreter Bytecode (Profiler) Compiler Optimized Machine Code ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
7. 动态性 - Semantics for “+” Op Trace-Guard 失效, 进行去优化 x + y ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
8. 新的方案 - WebAssembly • • • • 本质:一种新的、抽象的虚拟机指令集(W3C)标准; 表现:一种以 .wasm 为后缀的二进制格式(Magic Code:0x6d736100); 进展:四大浏览器已支持该标准 MVP 版本的所有特性; 可用:可以通过标准 Web API 接口在浏览器中加载、解析和执行; 小端序 ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
9. 优化管线:WebAssembly Compiling Pipeline JavaScript Source Code Parser AST Interpreter Bytecode (Profiler) Compiler WebAssembly Binary Optimized Machine Code ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
10. WebAssembly 快速实践
11. 简单的例子(WAT) 类型声明段 (module (type (;0;) (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))) WAT toy.wasm (func (;0;) (type 0) get_local 0 get_local 1 i32.add) 函数声明段 ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary. (export "add" (func 0))) 导出段
12. 使用 Emscripten 构建 Wasm 应用 • Virtual File System; • Pthread; • Linear Memory; • … C/C++ Source Code (Optional) ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
13. 简单的例子(C++) #include "emscripten.h" C++ extern "C" { EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; toy.cc } } ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
14. 简单的例子(CLI) CLI emcc toy.cc -s WASM=1 -O3 -o toy.wasm .wasm ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
15. 简单的例子(HTML) <script> 得到 Wasm 二进制字节码 fetch('toy.wasm').then(response => HTML toy.html response.arrayBuffer(); ).then(bytes => 实例化 Wasm 模块对象 WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes, {}); ).then(result => { console.log(result.instance.exports['add'](10, 20)); }); </script> ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary. 调用 Wasm 导出对象
16. WebAssembly 进展与案例
17. WebAssembly 编程语言 - 本地编译 / 运行时嵌入 ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
18. WebAssembly 应用领域 • 新兴编程语言:Walt, Astro, Grain, … • 多媒体处理:Squoosh, Photon, ogv.js, WXInlinePlayer, … • 仿真器:gameboycolor, SaltyNES, … • 云:waSCC, Krustlet, embly, olin, … • 游戏引擎:Unity, Unreal, Ammo.js, … • 区块链:Ethereum • 前端框架:asm-dom, Yew, Seed, QT, Vugu, … • IOT:Nebulet, wasmachine, … • (编译器、虚拟机/运行时、工具、其他)。 ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary. const x: i32 = 2; export function echo(): i32 { const x: i32 = 42; return x; }
19. WebAssembly 实例 - eBay 二维码扫描器 • • • ZBar (C) Custom Lib (C/C++) BarcodeReader (JavaScript) *Worker 对应多种方案, 竞争得到结果; ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
20. WebAssembly 实例 - Shopify AssemblyScript • 安全性 - 沙盒 + CBS; • 性能 - JIT + Binary + one-pass; • 灵活性 - 多语言支持。 Lucet *为不受信模块提供的一个, 可编程的边缘云平台。 ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
21. WebAssembly 提案 & Tooling
22. WebAssembly Post-MVP 提案 • • • • • • • • Interface Types; 29 进行中提案 Module Linking; Finished 7 Tail Call Optimization; Phase 4 1 Phase 3 4 Phase 2 8 Phase 1 14 Phase 0 2 Custom Annotation Syntax in WAT; Garbage Collection; Exception Handling; WebAssembly C and C++ API; … ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
23. WebAssembly Post-MVP - Reference Types • externref 类型; 可以引用宿主类型。 • ref.null; • ref.is_null; • ref.func; •… ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary. Template Method 引用宿主环境的 Opaque Value
24. WebAssembly Post-MVP - Threading and Atomics • i32.atomic.load8_u 等原子操作; • 基于 SharedArrayBuffer 共享线程内存; • Wasm 实例独立于 Worker 线程运行; • 启用:Chrome / Firefox。 ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
25. WebAssembly Post-MVP - Fixed-width SIMD • 固定 128 位(bit); • i8x16.add(a: v128, b: v128); • i16x8.{operation}; • i32x4.{operation}; • i64x2.{operation}。 ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
26. WebAssembly Post-MVP - Bulk Memory Operations • memory.copy; • 复制:{source}.copy; • 填充:{source}.fill; • 初始化:{source}.init; • 丢弃:{source}.drop。 ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary. std::memcpy
27. WASI WASI WebAssembly System Interface ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
28. 传统接口抽象 以 musl 为例 System Call • • • • File; Socket; Memory; (…) ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
29. WebAssembly 操作系统接口抽象 wasi-libc fopen wasi-libc (__wasi_path_open 签名) 以 wasi-libc为例 Wasm Binary (__wasi_path_open 调用) Virtual Machine (__wasi_path_open 定义) OS asm: syscall ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
30. WASI 定义与实现 wasi-libc 函数签名 ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary. Wasmtime 函数定义(Rust)
31. Tooling - On the Web • Post-MVP 特性支持; • 增强调试工具(Chrome); C/C++ DevTools Support (DWARF) ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
32. Tooling - Out of Web • WASI - Low Level & High Level 接口; • 帮助编程语言社区接入 Wasm(wasm-tools); • Module Linking & Interface Types 提案的实现; • Lucet 与 Wasmtime 的合并; • Firefox 整合 Cranelift 以支持 ARM64; • 补全文档、增强测试(Fuzzing); • 社区(联盟)的规范化治理(决策流程、招募流程等); • (…) ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
33. WebAssembly 2021
34. WebAssembly 2021 - 目前使用语言情况 • • • Rust - “最喜爱的语言”; C++ - 首个支持的语言; “小众” - Kotlin、Elixir … 数据及图表来自:https://blog.scottlogic.com/2021/06/21/state-of-wasm.html ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
35. WebAssembly 2021 - 未来你最希望使用的语言 • • Rust 稳居榜首; AssemblyScript - “开始追逐”。 数据及图表来自:https://blog.scottlogic.com/2021/06/21/state-of-wasm.html ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
36. WebAssembly 2021 - 目前的使用场景 • • • Web 应用最多; 游戏开发领域其次; Serverless 与云应用增多。 数据及图表来自:https://blog.scottlogic.com/2021/06/21/state-of-wasm.html ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
37. WebAssembly 2021 - 你认为未来可能影响的领域 • • Web 领域变革 - 充满希望; Serverless 与游戏领域其次。 数据及图表来自:https://blog.scottlogic.com/2021/06/21/state-of-wasm.html ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
38. WebAssembly 2021 - 还需要哪些提升 • • • 全方位急需提升; 调试功能“首当其冲”; 语言种类暂且够用。 数据及图表来自:https://blog.scottlogic.com/2021/06/21/state-of-wasm.html ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
39. 观望建议 持续关注,选择使用 ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
40. Thanks! ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.
41. Thanks! ©2021 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.

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