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关联话题: 爱彼迎

爱彼迎(英语:Airbnb)是一个出租住宿民宿的网站,提供短期出租房屋或房间,让旅行者通过网站或手机发掘和预订世界各地的独特房源,为近年来共享经济发展的代表之一。该网站成立于2008年8月,公司总部位于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山,是一家私有公司,由“Airbnb, Inc.”负责管理营运。目前,爱彼迎在191个国家,65,000个城市中共有400万名房东、超过3,000,000笔房源。



对话式 AI 技术在智能客服场景中的应用

在我们入住民宿时,客服(Customer Support 或 CS)体验至关重要。它可以让一次旅程体验变得更满意,也可能令用户的整体感受变得更糟。为了支持爱彼迎房客和房东社区,我们投入了大量资源,利用自然语言处理(NLP)、机器学习(ML)和人工智能(AI) 等技术,开发了智能客服支持解决方案。

这篇文章将围绕爱彼迎近期上线的协商一致取消(Mutual Cancellation)功能,向大家展示如何运用面向任务的对话人工智能技术(以下简称「AI技术」) 设计自动化的用户支持系统。我们会展开讲讲如何将业务问题转化为 AI 技术问题,如何收集和标记训练数据,如何设计和构建机器学习模型,以及如何在线上系统中部署模型。此外,我们还将探讨每个步骤所面临的技术挑战和对应的创新性解决方案。

Airbnb 爱彼迎的 Android 自动化测试宝典2

本篇是 Airbnb 爱彼迎 Android 自动化测试系列文章的第 2 部分,我们将介绍如何使用截屏测试方法来自动化测试 Fragment 的 UI。

Meet Ottr: A Serverless Public Key Infrastructure Framework

Ottr is a serverless Public Key Infrastructure framework that handles end-to-end certificate rotations without the use of an agent. The purpose of the blog is to provide an overview on Ottr with sample reference architecture, logical and network flows, and highlight the benefits of the solution. For installation instructions, skip to the Open Source section of the article.

Automating Data Protection at Scale, Part 2

Part two of a series on how we provide powerful, automated, and scalable data privacy and security engineering capabilities at Airbnb.

Airbnb 爱彼迎的 Android 自动化测试宝典1

关于我们在 Airbnb 爱彼迎打造 Android 自动化测试框架的系列文章,一共分为 7 个部分 —— 在第 1 部分中,我们将介绍自动化测试的原理,以及我们做所有自动化测试的基础:状态模拟系统。

Migrating Kafka transparently between Zookeeper clusters

Learn more about how to migrate your Kafka cluster from one Zookeeper cluster to another without any user impact.

Designing for Productivity in a Large-Scale iOS Application

How innovation in technology and people processes have enabled iOS developers to remain productive in a large codebase.

The Airflow Smart Sensor Service

Consolidating long-running, lightweight tasks for improved resource utilization.


在过去的几年里,Airbnb 爱彼迎的工程团队从单体 Ruby on Rails 架构转变成为了 SOA 面向服务的架构。在我们的 Rails 架构中,每个资源(resource)都有一个单独的 API 来访问底层数据, 这些 API 都有授权检查来保护敏感数据。当时由于访问资源数据的方式单一,因此管理这些授权检查很容易。在向 SOA 过渡的过程中,我们转向了分层架构,其中有封装数据库的数据服务(data services),也有从多个数据服务提取的展示层服务(presentation services)。将权限检查从单体转移到 SOA 的最初方法是将这些检查转移到展示层服务。

How Airbnb Enables Consistent Data Consumption at Scale

Part-III: Building a coherent consumption experience.

Automating Data Protection at Scale, Part 1

Since no one tool was meeting our needs, we decided to build a data protection platform to enable and empower Airbnb to protect data in compliance with global regulations and security requirements. However, in order to protect the data, we first needed to understand it and its associated security and privacy risks.


净推荐值(Net Promoter Score,以下简称 NPS)是 ToC 企业中应用得最广泛的用户满意度衡量指标。通过分析“客户是否愿意向朋友推荐我们的产品”,我们可以检测到用户对企业的认同度与未来的留存率。在爱彼迎,我们同样长期关注这一指标,用以衡量我们为房东、房客社区提供的客户服务品质。

然而在产品快速迭代的今天,传统的 NPS 指标也显现出自身的一些不足。由于 NPS 分数依赖于用户对问卷的反馈,它会不可避免地引入选择性偏差、数据延迟、低覆盖率等问题。这也导致我们几乎无法在短期的 A/B Testing 中使用 NPS 来衡量用户服务端产品的迭代效果。

为了解决这一问题,爱彼迎开发了基于 AI 模型的情绪识别方法,通过分析用户与客服团队对话文本中的情绪变化,来衡量用户此时此刻的满意度状态。在今天的文章中,我们将详细地介绍爱彼迎在情绪识别模型上的开发,以及我们如何一步步将模型生成的结果转化为一个能与企业长期留存率挂钩的高覆盖率、无延迟的新型满意度衡量指标。

Task-Oriented Conversational AI in Airbnb Customer Support

Customer Support (CS) can make or break a guest’s travel experience. To support Airbnb’s community of guests and Hosts, we have been investing heavily in developing intelligent CS solutions leveraging state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

In this blog post, we’ll introduce the automated support system at Airbnb, which employs the latest task-oriented conversational AI technology, through the lens of a recently launched feature called Mutual Cancellation. We will describe in detail how we framed the business problem as an AI problem, how we collected and labeled training data, how we designed and built the ML models, and how the models were deployed in the online system. Throughout each step, we’ll discuss some technical challenges we faced during this project and the solutions we innovated to address these challenges.

How Airbnb Built “Wall” to prevent data bugs

Gaining trust in data with extensive data quality, accuracy and anomaly checks.

Using Sentiment Score to Assess Customer Service Quality

How AI-based Sentiment Models Complement Net Promoter Score.

A Deep Dive into Airbnb’s Server-Driven UI System

How Airbnb ships features faster across web, iOS, and Android using a server-driven UI system named Ghost Platform ?.

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