Netflix(/ˈnɛtflɪks/)(官方中文译名网飞,非官方中文译名奈飞)是起源于美国、在世界各地提供网络视频点播的OTT服务公司,并同时在美国经营单一费率邮寄影像光盘出租服务,后者是使用回邮信封寄送DVD和Blu-ray出租光盘至消费者指定的收件地址。公司由里德·哈斯廷斯和马克·兰多夫在1997年8月29日成立,总部位于加利福尼亚州的洛斯盖图,1999年开始推出订阅制的服务。2009年,Netflix已可提供超过10万部电影DVD,订阅者数超过1000万人。另一方面,截至2022年6月的数据,Netflix的流服务已经在全球拥有2.20亿个订阅用户,在美国的订户已达到7330万。其主要的竞争对手有Disney+、Hulu、HBO Max、Amazon Prime Video、YouTube Premium及Apple TV+等。
The Netflix Cosmos Platform
Packaging award-winning shows with award-winning technology
在之前的博客文章中,我们Netflix的同事已经解释了如何优化4K视频流,如何改进传统视频流,以及最近新的音频编解码器如何为我们的会员提供更好的听觉体验的。所有这些情况,通过我们的内容交付网络Open Connect交付之前,我们的获奖电视剧、电影和纪录片(如《皇冠》)都需要打包,实现我们会员的关键功能。在这篇文章中,我们将解释这些特性,以及我们如何依赖获奖的标准格式和开源软件来实现这些功能。
Beyond REST: Rapid Development With GraphQL Microservices
Building a Rule-Based Platform to Manage Netflix Membership SKUs at Scale
Growth Engineering at Netflix — Automated Imagery Generation
Edge Authentication and Token-Agnostic Identity Propagation
Open Sourcing the Netflix Domain Graph Service Framework: GraphQL for Spring Boot
Netflix has developed a Domain Graph Service (DGS) framework and it is now open source. The DGS framework simplifies the implementation of GraphQL, both for standalone and federated GraphQL services. Our framework is battle-hardened by our use at scale.
Optimizing the Aural Experience on Android Devices with xHE-AAC
在Netflix,我们热衷于为会员提供出色的音频。我们于2010年开始流式传输5.1声道环绕声,2017年开始流式传输杜比Atmos,2019年开始流式传输自适应比特率音频。延续这一传统,我们自豪地宣布,Netflix现在将带有MPEG-D DRC(xHE-AAC)的扩展HE-AAC流式传输到兼容的Android移动设备(Android 9及更新版本)。xHE-AAC能够提高在嘈杂环境中的清晰度,适应不同的蜂窝连接,并扩展到录音室质量,因此,xHE-AAC将为在这些设备上串流的会员带来声音上的愉悦。
Evolving Container Security With Linux User Namespaces
Titus is the Netflix container orchestration system. It runs a wide variety of workloads from various parts of the company — everything from the frontend API for, to machine learning training workloads, to video encoders. In Titus, the hosts that workloads run on are abstracted from our users. The Titus platform maintains large pools of homogenous node capacity to run user workloads, and the Titus scheduler places workloads. This abstraction allows the compute team to influence the reliability, efficiency, and operability of the fleet via the scheduler. The hosts that run workloads are called Titus “agents.” In this post, we describe how Titus agents leverage user namespaces to improve the overall security of the Titus agent fleet.
Optimizing data warehouse storage
At Netflix, our current data warehouse contains hundreds of Petabytes of data stored in AWS S3, and each day we ingest and create additional Petabytes. At this scale, we can gain a significant amount of performance and cost benefits by optimizing the storage layout (records, objects, partitions) as the data lands into our warehouse.
Simple streaming telemetry
Introducing gnmi-gateway: a modular, distributed, and highly available service for modern network telemetry via OpenConfig and gNMI
How Netflix Scales its API with GraphQL Federation
Learn how Netflix uses GraphQL federation for its API architecture, offering a unified, curated API powered by decoupled back-end services.
Keeping Netflix Reliable Using Prioritized Load Shedding
How viewers are able to watch their favorite show on Netflix while the infrastructure self-recovers from a system failure
Bulldozer: Batch Data Moving from Data Warehouse to Online Key-Value Stores
By Tianlong Chen and Ioannis Papapanagiotou
Building Netflix’s Distributed Tracing Infrastructure