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理解 Python 装饰器看这一篇就够了

讲 Python 装饰器前,我想先举个例子,虽有点污,但跟装饰器这个话题很贴切。 每个人都有的内裤主要功能是用来遮羞,但是到了冬天它没法为我们防风御寒,咋办?我们想到的一个办法就是把内裤改造一下,让它变得更厚更长,这样一来,它不仅有遮羞功能,还能提供保暖,不过x


eat you own dog shit


通过关闭Python垃圾回收机制,Instagram的性能可以提高10%。是的,你没有听错!通过禁用GC,我们可以减少内存占用并提高CPU LLC缓存命中率。如果你想知道为什么,那么就来阅读这篇文章!


字符型图片验证码识别完整过程及Python实现 1 摘要 验证码是目前互联网上非常常见也是非常重要的一个事物,充当着很多系统的 防火墙 功能,但是随时OCR技术的发展,验证码暴露出来的安全问题也越来越严峻。本文介绍了一套字符验证码识别的完整流程,对于验证码安全和OCR识别技术都有

Python 表达式 i += x 与 i = i + x 等价吗?

Python - @lzjun - Python 表达式 i += xi = i + x 等价吗?如果你的回答是 yes ,那么恭喜你正确了 50%,为什么说只对了一半呢? 按照我们的一般理解它们俩是等价的

朴素贝叶斯分类的 Python 实现和思考 <03.30 更新>

File not found The site configured at this address does not contain the requested file. If this is your site, make sure that the filename case matches the URL as well as any file permissions. For root…

python词云 wordcloud 入门

构建词云的方法很多, 但是个人觉得python的wordcloud包功能最为强大,可以自定义图片. 官网: https://amueller.github.io/word_cloud/ github: https://github.com/amueller/word_cloud 例子: 字体使用的是 CabinSketch-Bold.ttf 安装

Writing Python 2-3 compatible code

Copyright (c): 2013-2024 Python Charmers, Australia. Author: Ed Schofield. Licence: Creative Commons Attribution. A PDF version is here: https://python-future.org/compatible_idioms.pdf This notebook…

听说你会 Python ?



[求证] python 的注释会占用内存么?

Python - @silva - 昨天遇到一个过来给我们普及下 python ,过程中间他提到 python 里的注释会占用更多内存,用三个引号'''阔起来就不会了我当时感觉这个说法太过匪夷所思,就问是何缘故,可惜他推说不记得


What does a . in an import statement in Python mean?

I'm looking over the code for Python's multiprocessing module, and it contains this line: from ._multiprocessing import win32, Connection, PipeConnection instead of from _multiprocessing import ...

Python 技巧总结

There isn't a GitHub Pages site here. If you're trying to publish one, read the full documentation to learn how to set up GitHub Pages for your repository, organization, or user account. GitHub Status…

When is "i += x" different from "i = i + x" in Python?

I was told that += can have different effects than the standard notation of i = i +. Is there a case in which i += 1 would be different from i = i + 1?

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