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Addressing Python Dependency Confusion at Pinterest

One major issue that put us at risk of dependency confusion was using multiple index endpoints for our Python “pip” config, using the configuration flag — extra-index-url. Pinterest Python artifacts were partially stored on our own custom repository, open-sourced as Pinrepo, and some of our Python packages were stored in JFrog’s Artifactory.

There is a major danger in the usage of the — extra-index-url flag: it will not honor any sort of priority ordering. This has been extensively discussed on Github and Stack Overflow. The short summary is that the volunteer team that manages the pip open-source project does not consider repository index prioritization within the scope of the pip tool. They instead recommend using a single server endpoint that manages priorities on the backend.

Python3 cpython 优化 支持解释器并行


CPython 性能将提升 5 倍?faster-python 项目 PEP 659 源码级解读

在 2021 年早些时候,Python 作者 Guido van Rossum 被微软返聘继续进行 CPython 相关工作,他们提出了一个 faster-python 计划,计划在 4 年内将 CPython 的性能提升 5 倍,整个项目被开放在 GitHub 的 faster-cpython Group,通过 Activity 可见该项目的一部分 ideas 已经有了相应的代码实现和验证。

本文将就该项目中的一个重要提案 PEP 659 进行解读和源码分析,并从中学习在 bytecode level 进行虚拟机性能优化的思路和手段,希望能对大家有所启发。




Sorting Contours using Python and OpenCV

how in the world do we sort contours from left-to-right, top-to-bottom, etc.

How to detect paragraphs in a text document image for a non-consistent text structure in Python OpenCV

This is a classic use for dilate. Whenever you want to connect multiple items together, you can dilate them to join adjacent contours into a single contour.

Python Type Hints 从入门到实践

Python 在 PEP 484 Python Enhancement Proposals,Python 增强建议书 中提出了 Type Hints(类型注解)。进一步强化了 Python 是一门强类型语言的特性,它在 Python3.5 中第一次被引入。使用 Type Hints 可以让我们编写出带有类型的 Python 代码,看起来更加符合强类型语言风格。

Understanding all of Python, through its builtins

Python has a whole lot of builtins that are unknown to most people. This guide aims to introduce you to everything that Python has to offer, through its seemingly obscure builtins.

Finding Dominant Image Colours Using Python

A few weeks ago, I was having a discussion about the possibility of detecting the colour of user uploaded images. The idea was that if a dominant colour was known, it could be used to create matching titles. I decided to give it a go using Python and Pillow.

How-To: OpenCV and Python K-Means Color Clustering

In this blog post I’ll show you how to use OpenCV, Python, and the k-means clustering algorithm to find the most dominant colors in an image.



Python Pdb源码解析



Bubble sheet multiple choice scanner and test grader using OMR, Python and OpenCV

Discover how to build a bubble sheet multiple choice scanner and test grader using Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) along with Python, OpenCV, computer vision

rsyslog服务异常导致Python rpc服务启动异常的排查


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