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关联话题: JS

How to monitor the progress of a Javascript fetch - request and cancel it on demand.

Waiting blows. That goes for many situations in life, including when a website you visit is busy loading new data. However, it's usually helpful to visualize that something is happening in the background. Or be able to pull the plug. Read on to find out how that's to be done with the fetch API.

Javascript obfuscation techniques by example

Sometimes when working on scraping some website you look into JavaScript code and it looks like a complete mess that is impossible to read - no matter how much you squint, you cannot make sense of it. That’s because it has been obfuscated. Code obfuscation is a transformation that is meant to make code difficult to read and reverse engineer. Many web sites utilize JavaScript obfuscation to make things difficult to scraper/automation developers.

Using Hermes’s Quicksort to run Doom: A tale of JavaScript exploitation

In 2020, a security researcher flagged a peculiar bug in Hermes’s Quicksort implementation. Here’s how security teams at Meta fixed the bug.

用 CSS 和 JS 实现时钟效果

JavaScirpt30 是 Wes Bos 推出的一个 30 天挑战。项目免费提供了 30 个视频教程、30 个挑战的起始文档和 30 个挑战解决方案源代码。目的是帮助人们用纯 JavaScript 来写东西,不借助框架和库,也不使用编译器和引用。

Stop The Screen Going To Sleep With JavaScript

We've all been there. Cooking a complex recipe where each step takes a good couple of minutes. Our hands covered in some type of sauce made of who knows how many ingredients. We go to check the next step on our phone only to see that it's gone to sleep due to inactivity. We know that even if we quickly wash our hands, there is inevitably going to be some level of greasy trail left on our phone screen as we are forced to unlock it...





深度剖析 VS Code JavaScript Debugger 功能及实现原理

希望看完本文能让你对 VS Code 的 JavaScript Debugger 有大致的理解。

Web Scraping via Javascript Runtime Heap Snapshots

In recent years, the web has gotten very hostile to the lowly web scraper. It's a result of the natural progression of web technologies away from statically rendered pages to dynamic apps built with frameworks like React and CSS-in-JS. Developers no longer need to label their data with class-names or ids - it's only a courtesy to screen readers now.

There's also been a concerted effort by large companies to protect their public data. Facebook, for example, employs a team of over 100 people to make sure it is as difficult as possible for any data to escape the black hole. Granted, some of these large companies do offer APIs for their data but rarely is this unrestricted. You're usually at the whim of their app review process or granted access only to a partial view of the data. Data that would be otherwise public if you were to do a Google search and click through to their website manually.

This can be frustrating if you're like me - somebody who wanted to build a small, local, non-profit app that uses data hosted on a closed platform. The data is public but completely inaccessible to machines because of aggressive anti-web-scraping measures. That gave me two options - input the data manually or play the web-scraping game. Of course, I chose the latter.

逆向进阶,利用 AST 技术还原 JavaScript 混淆代码

AST Babel 入门手册,手把手带你还原 JS 混淆代码,让你逆向如虎添翼!

如何避免 JavaScript 中的内存泄漏?

SPA(单页应用程序)的兴起,促使我们更加关注与内存相关的 JavaScript 编码实践。如果应用使用的内存越来越多,就会严重影响性能,甚至导致浏览器的崩溃。下面就来看看JavaScript中常见的内存泄漏以及如何避免内存泄漏。

Faster JavaScript Builds with Metro

How Airbnb migrated from Webpack to Metro and made the development feedback loop nearly instantaneous, the largest production build 50% faster, with marginal end-user runtime improvements.


在最开始学习 JavaScript 时,我一直被灌输 Object 中的 Key 是无序的,不可靠的,而与之相对的是 Map 实例会维护键值对的插入顺序。

「But,Object 的键值对真的是无序的吗?」实际上在 ES2015 以后,Object.keys 的规则变了,在一些现代的浏览器中,keys 输出顺序是可以预测的!

How to Create an Animated GIF from Custom Canvas Frames with Client-side JavaScript

An overview of the creation process which involves merging multiple canvas frames into a single GIF file.



V8 JS AOT化的探索与实践

本分享将结合目前集团内自有业务形态,以及 JS 在 Web 中的执行过程,介绍JS AOT是如何设计和实现的,以及能给业务带来哪些收益。

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