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PHP5 升级到PHP7时curl注意事项

(从大量的CLOSE_WAIT发现的问题) 脚本: <?php $url = $argv[1]; $mm = array(); function curl($url) { global $mm; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); #curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,…


这次,我们将演示如何在PHP扩展中接受传入的参数和输出返回值。 <?php function default_value ($type, $value = null) { if ($type == "int") { return $value ?? 0; } else if ($type == "bool") { return $value ?? false; } else if ($type…

TSRC挑战赛: PHP场景中getshell防御思路分享

PHP 7 Arrays : HashTables

There isn't a GitHub Pages site here. If you're trying to publish one, read the full documentation to learn how to set up GitHub Pages for your repository, organization, or user account. GitHub Status…

Speeding-up autoloading on PHP 5.6 & 7.0+ for everyone

At Blackfire.io we love Open-Source. We're thrilled to contribute a performance enhancement that will benefit almost everyone in the PHP community.

从PHP语法糖剖析Zend VM引擎

php - Building prefix tree from dictionary, performance issues

Fix 502 error on php-fpm service reload

In default configuration php-fpm produces errors 502(bad gateway) on reloading. This is really annoying, if you need to do it often. For example, if you use tool like deployer to deploy your…


蘑菇街下单平台演进 | 朱伟 | 中生代技术分享第二十三期

Differences between array_replace and array_merge in PHP

I am trying to figure out the differences between array_replace() and array_merge(). The question actually came to my mind after this post : PHP array_merge empty values always less prioritar, wher...

PHP execute_data

24 March 2016 这阵子想研究下PHP Generator的实现,发现对于Generator很重要的一个数据结构为_zend_execute_data,在PHP源码中通常是一个execute_data变量,与该变量相关的宏是#define EX(element) execute_data.element。…

Developing A PHP Core Backdoor


10 July 2016 本文参考自PHP Wiki: Extensions 数据结构区别 通常在php.ini中,通过extension=*加载的扩展我们称为PHP扩展,通过zend_extension=*加载的扩展我们称为Zend扩展,但从源码的角度来讲,PHP扩展应该称为“模块”(源码中以module命名)&#

PHP's OPCache extension review

There isn't a GitHub Pages site here. If you're trying to publish one, read the full documentation to learn how to set up GitHub Pages for your repository, organization, or user account. GitHub Status…

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