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React 轮播动画探索



React16 架构分为三层,Scheduler用来调度任务,Reconciler找出变化的组件后将它们交给Renderer,由Renderer将其渲染到页面上。本文将从源码角度聊一聊 render 阶段和 commit 阶段的工作流程。

React 中的 Canvas 动画


深入 React 函数组件的 re-render 原理及优化

对于函数组件的 re-render,大致分为三种情况。本文将详细介绍这三种情况的原理与优化。

Using WebAssembly (created in Rust) for Fast React Components

With the recent update to Rust, it is time to relook at using Rust and React together. I have a new found love for Rust and everything it can do as a language. One of its more impressive features is its ability to write WebAssembly(Wasm) without much overhead. I have explored how to use Rust to write Wasm before (Blog post coming soon!). But I wanted to see how easy it would be to integrate it into a standard React workflow.

可视化埋点在React Native中的实践

本文介绍了一套在 React Native 应用中实施可视化埋点的方案。

Building an App Clip with React Native

Being the first to build an App Clip in React Native that was going to be surfaced to millions of Shopify's Shop app users each day proved to be a challenging task.

How to build stunning 3D scenes with React Three Fiber

WebGL is the magic sauce behind Solar Storm , an audio-reactive music video that renders live in the browser. After fumbling around with…

【译】什么时候使用 useMemo 和 useCallback

原文:When to useMemo and useCallback 性能优化总是会有成本,但并不总是带来好处。我们来谈谈 useMemo 和 useCallback 的成本和收益。

Common React Hooks Mistakes You Should Avoid

React Hook feature was first introduced on React 16.8 update and became immensely popular among developers due to its capabilities. It allows you to hook into React state and lifecycle features. And, sometimes, it could be challenging when using it for advanced use cases.

In this article, I’ll discuss 5 common React Hooks mistakes every developer should avoid when building robust React applications.

You can use React Query for slow computation, not just API

React Query brings the ergonomics of GraphQL clients to RESTful APIs. It scratched my itch.

Getting a whole company onto a new way of writing the API layer is hard and there's real work to do. React Query offers the perfect middle ground.

Keep the RESTful API you're used to, get the request deduping, data caching, loading states, re-fetching, and hooks ergonomics you dream of. ?

You can use those same ergonomics for any slow operation. Doesn't have to be an API call.

Relyzer —— 一个 React FC 的运行分析工具

React Hooks 带来了很多好处,同时也引入了一些困扰。常见的问题有: 为什么我的 useEffect 比我预期执行多得多?为什么 useCallback / useMemo 的返回值总是发生变化?

于是开发了这样的一个工具,配合 React Devtool 使用,在代码块中可视化地展示出 React 函数组件的属性及内部变量的变化情况,可以方便地定位到哪些值总是在发生变化。

如何优雅地在React 中使用TypeScript,看这一篇就够了!

在单独使用 TypeScript 时没有太多的坑,不过和React结合之后就会复杂很多。本文就来聊一聊TypeScript与React一起使用时经常遇到的一些类型定义的问题。

基于Fiber的React Diff算法源码分析

本文从源码角度就全新的React Fiber架构和大家聊一聊Diff算法。



Flutter与React,两者都作为一个声明式UI框架,都遵循UI = f(state)的理念,加之Flutter本身就参考了React,所以两者有大量相似的地方。下面我们从编写一个经典前端入门应用Todo List开始我们的Flutter之路。



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