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每天都在用,也没整明白的 React Hook

本文介绍了 useState、useEffect、useContext 等几种 React Hook 的实用小技巧,对于新手是很好的指导型文章,能够帮你减少踩坑。

How React server components work: an in-depth guide

A deep dive exploration of React server components under the hood.

Making Your React Native Gestures Feel Natural

When working with draggable elements in React Native mobile apps, there are some simple ways to help gestures and animations feel better and more natural.


随着对用户体验要求的提高,产品要求提升用户体验,多端体验一致。随着多端相同的业务也越来越多,需要投入IOS,Android,Web多端开发人员。这就迫切的需要一种一次开发同时使用在Android ,IOS ,Web的解决方案。达到降本增效的目的。在几个小业面尝试,总结经验后,我们采用react-native-web多端适配。

How to build your own React: Didact 解析

你是否一直想成为“精通” React 源码的大神?又是否因为 React 源码的晦涩难懂而寸步难行?本文将从头开始讲解并实现一个简易版的 React -- Didact。千里之行,始于足下,Didact 可以帮你迈出第一步!

React Ref Callback:最佳实践

本文主要介绍了 ref callback 的四种使用场景。



Migrating our Largest Mobile App to React Native

In 2020, we announced that React Native is the future of mobile at Shopify and since then we’ve been migrating all our native mobile apps to React Native. Since each app is different, there is no single approach that works for all of them. So, we evaluated all the possible options for each app and chose the ones that best suit their needs.

Shopify Point of Sale, for instance, had come a long way since it was first built during an internal hackathon. It was originally designed and built to support small mom-and-pop stores or weekend warriors. However, it has surged in popularity and is being used by some of our biggest merchants and is processing transactions worth billions of dollars each year. The codebase had accumulated a lot of tech debt and the app’s UX was also not serving the needs of large merchants who have hundreds of locations and tens of thousands of products. After a thorough evaluation, it became clear that we couldn’t fix these issues with incremental changes. Hence, we decided to do a full rewrite, which has been a big hit with our merchants.

Shopify Mobile, our flagship mobile app, on the other hand is quite stable and meets our merchants’ needs. It is also our largest app at 300 screens per platform and took over six years to build. Rebuilding it from scratch would be a massive undertaking. Even if we assume that we’d be twice as productive with RN (which is not necessarily the case always), it would take us at least three years to rebuild. That’s a very long time. We would have to halt all new feature development during this time and in the end have the exact same app as we started with. A rewrite then, was clearly out of question.

React Native工程Monorepo改造实践


避免 React useState 错误用法

在本文中,将介绍一些关于 useState 的常见错误。useState 是我们使用最频繁的 React hook,在代码中随处可见,但是也经常会出现一些错误的用法。由于这些错误用法的存在,会让代码的可读性变差,提高了代码的维护成本。

深度解析 React 性能优化 API

组件到底什么时候会渲染?React.memo 到底要不要用?本文将以 React 更新流程为基础,层层递进,将性能优化相关的用法原理串联起来,帮助读者搞明白为什么以及如何进行性能优化。

React Streaming SSR 原理解析

React 18 提供了一种新的 SSR 渲染模式:Streaming SSR,实现了 Streaming HTML 和 Selective Hydration 的特性。本文将从原理和源码两个方面,对 Streaming SSR 进行解析。

React Server Component: 混合式渲染

Server Component 顾名思义是在服务端渲染的组件,它是如何进行渲染的?和 SSR 又有什么区别?让我们来一起探索它究竟是个什么?

Our Solution for Measuring React Native Rendering Times

Performance is crucial for Shopify. After we started using React Native, we had to find a way to confirm our mobile apps are fast. The solution is an open-source @shopify/react-native-performance library by Shopify, which measures rendering times in React Native apps. In this article, you’ll learn more about how the library works, how to get started, and why measuring performance is so important.

React 中的重新渲染

React 组件在组件的状态 state 或者组件的属性 props 改变的时候,会重新渲染,条件简单,但是实际上稍不注意,会引起灾难性的重新渲染......

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