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Lyft 拥有 30% 的市场份额,是美国仅次于优步的第二大的叫车公司。

How and why we built a custom gradient boosted-tree package

How we built at Lyft a gradient boosted tree package to predict travel time more accurately.

Powering Security Reports with Cartography and Flyte

One of the Security Team’s projects this year has been to make it easy to generate reports and dashboards from Cartography, Lyft’s security intelligence graph. Cartography links together various entities like compute, permissions, Github repositories, users, etc. and has powerful query capabilities, but it does not integrate with our analytics tools out of the box. To remedy this we’ve leveraged Lyft’s data infrastructure to build an ETL solution that extracts data from Cartography and transforms it into something that can be consumed by our analytics tools. Our solution improves on older approaches by being both significantly easier to work with and more powerful.

Building an Enterprise IntelliJ Plugin for Android Developers

The Android engineering team at Lyft exclusively uses IntelliJ to develop new Android features (Android Studio is on the horizon, but that’s for another article). The IntelliJ platform offers a powerful SDK that enables developers to build plugins that enrich the IDE’s feature set, and a few years ago the team decided to take advantage of this SDK by building a plugin.

Using Client-Side Map Data to Improve Real-Time Positioning

How Lyft improves on device location tracking with map data.



A/B Tests for Lyft Hardware

A/B tests, controlled experiments to measure performance differences between groups, are ubiquitous tools in data science and represent the gold standard in business measurement. At Lyft, A/B tests are found in nearly every product, from measuring the performance of marketplace algorithms and app designs, to engineering infrastructure changes. The units of analysis for most A/B tests are users, and sometimes markets or times of day. In this post, we are going to describe a new type of A/B test we are performing on our hardware team at Lyft. We will also illustrate a couple of A/B tests which we have done to safely and confidently improve the user experience, lower costs, and provide the best possible service for the cities in which we operate.

LyftLearn: ML Model Training Infrastructure built on Kubernetes

在之前的一篇博文中,我们讨论了Feature Service的架构,它在Lyft管理机器学习(ML)的特征存储和访问。在这篇文章中,我们将讨论LyftLearn的架构,这是一个建立在Kubernetes上的系统,负责管理ML模型训练以及批量预测。

Speeding Ahead with a Systematic Approach to Web Performance




Introducing Flyte: A Cloud Native Machine Learning and Data Processing Platform


ML Feature Serving Infrastructure at Lyft


Frontend at Lyft: An Overview


Elasticsearch Optimizations at Lyft


2020年,新的健康与安全和实时计划对我们以前的Elasticsearch SLA发起了挑战。随着每周不同用例的涌入,我们很快就超出了现有的集群,延迟增加,AWS成本飙升。在这篇文章中,我们将分享我们测量和改变与Elasticsearch交互的各种方法,从而最终降低了延迟和成本。

Gotchas of Stream Processing: Data Skewness

近年来,使用流处理作为一种数据处理技术以及为支持它而设计的框架已经变得无处不在,因为它在构建关键业务系统方面释放了巨大的潜力。在Lyft的Marketplace团队中,我们使用Apache Beam(Flink Runner)流处理框架来驱动我们的功能工程和模型执行协调工作。在过去的几年里,我们已经建立并扩展了几个管道,以极低的延迟处理实时事件。分享一些统计数据,我们每分钟为约300万gehashes生成约100个特征(每天约4000亿个特征)。


How Lyft discovered OpenStreetMap is the Freshest Map for Rideshare


Building Lyft’s Marketing Automation Platform

Machine learning based marketing automation to improve cost and volume efficiency in an ever-changing marketplace.

Dynamic Pricing to Sustain Marketplace Balance

Dynamic pricing is the main technology that allows us to maintain market balance in real-time. If we were able to perfectly plan for the…

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