xiaozi 2023-03-24 15:07:29

negative prompt

(ugly:1.3), (fused fingers), (too many fingers), (bad anatomy:1.5), (watermark:1.5), (words), letters, untracked eyes, asymmetric eyes, floating head, (logo:1.5), (bad hands:1.3), (mangled hands:1.2), (missing hands), (missing arms), backward hands, floating jewelry, unattached jewelry, floating head, doubled head, unattached head, doubled head, head in body, (misshapen body:1.1), (badly fitted headwear:1.2), floating arms, (too many arms:1.5), limbs fused with body, (facial blemish:1.5), badly fitted clothes, imperfect eyes, untracked eyes, crossed eyes, hair growing from clothes, partial faces, hair not attached to head


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