The Kubernetes Storage Layer

2. The Kubernetes Storage Layer: Peeling The Onion Minus The Tears Madhav Jivrajani, VMware
3. $ whoami ● Work @ VMware ● Do work in API Machinery, Scalability, Architecture and ContribEx ● TL for SIG ContribEx and GitHub Admin of the project
4. Before We Start…
5. 🚨 Help migrate Prow jobs to community clusters! See for details.
6. Prelude A 50,000 ft. view of how the Kubernetes “machine” works.
29. List + Watch
30. List + Watch “Kubernetes is a declarative, event-driven system.”
31. List + Watch “Kubernetes is a declarative, event-driven system.”
32. List “Kubernetes is a declarative, event-driven system.”
33. List “Kubernetes is a declarative, event-driven system.” We specify intent. ❯ kubectl apply -f 3-replica-deployment.yaml
34. List “Kubernetes is a declarative, event- driven system.”
35. List “Kubernetes is a declarative, event- driven system.” ● We need to start somewhere, in order to take actions, we need to know what the “current state” looks like.
36. List “Kubernetes is a declarative, event- driven system.” ❯ kubectl get --raw '/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods' { "kind": "PodList", ● We need to start somewhere, in order to take "apiVersion": "v1", actions, we need to know what the “current "metadata": { state” looks like. "resourceVersion":"1452", ● To do this, we perform a LIST operation. ... }, "items": [...] // all pods }
37. List “Kubernetes is a declarative, event- driven system.” ❯ kubectl get --raw '/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods?limit=100' { "kind": "PodList", ● In order to get the “current state”, we perform a "apiVersion": "v1", LIST operation. "metadata": { ● Responses can get huge, sometimes we paginate. "resourceVersion":"1452", "continue": "ENCODED_CONTINUE_TOKEN", ... }, "items": [...] // pod0-pod99 }
38. List “Kubernetes is a declarative, event- driven system.” ● In order to get the “current state”, we perform a ❯ kubectl get --raw '/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods?limit=100&cont inue=ENCODED_CONTINUE_TOKEN' { "kind": "PodList", LIST operation. "apiVersion": "v1", ● Responses can get huge, sometimes we paginate. "metadata": { ● We can continue doing this till we get the entire "resourceVersion":"1452", "continue": "ENCODED_CONTINUE_TOKEN_2", “current state” (full list). ... }, "items": [...] // pod100-pod199 }
39. Watch “Kubernetes is a declarative, event- driven system.”
40. Watch “Kubernetes is a declarative, event- driven system.”
41. Watch “Kubernetes is a declarative, event- driven system.”
42. Watch “Kubernetes is a declarative, event- driven system.”
43. Watch “Kubernetes is a declarative, event- driven system.”
44. Watch “Kubernetes is a declarative, event- driven system.” ❯ kubectl get --raw '/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods?limit=100&cont inue=ENCODED_CONTINUE_TOKEN_2' ● I have my state of the world from LIST. Now I need { to know as and when events happen that modify "kind": "PodList", this state so that I can take corrective action. "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "resourceVersion":"1452", "continue": "ENCODED_CONTINUE_TOKEN_2", ... }, "items": [...] // pod100-pod199 }
45. Watch “Kubernetes is a declarative, event- driven system.” ❯ kubectl get --raw '/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods?limit=100&cont inue=ENCODED_CONTINUE_TOKEN_2' ● I have my state of the world from LIST. Now I need { to know as and when events happen that modify "kind": "PodList", this state so that I can take corrective action. "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "resourceVersion":"1452", "continue": "ENCODED_CONTINUE_TOKEN_2", ... }, "items": [...] // pod100-pod199 }
46. Watch “Kubernetes is a declarative, event- driven system.” ● I have my state of the world from LIST. Now I need ❯ kubectl get --raw '/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods? watch=1&resourceVersion=1452' { "type": "MODIFIED", to know as and when events happen that modify "object": { "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1", this state so that I can take corrective action. ● WATCH for changes. The API Server gives us a stream of notifications on a single connection that "metadata": {"resourceVersion":"1650", ...}, ...} } ... { we can “react” to. "type": "DELETED", "object": { "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": {"resourceVersion":"1734", ...}, ...} }
47. resourceVersion
48. resourceVersion ● Opaque string representing “internal version” of an object. ● One big, global, logical clock.
49. resourceVersion ● Opaque string representing “internal version” of an object. ● One big, global, logical clock. ● resourceVersion is backed by etcd’s store revisions* – which provide a global ordering. ● Increases monotonically whenever any change to the state of the world happens.
50. resourceVersion ● Opaque string representing “internal version” of an object. ● One big, global, logical clock. ● resourceVersion is backed by etcd’s store revisions* – which provide a global ordering. ● Increases monotonically whenever any change to the state of the world happens. ● Gives you a global order of events that happen in the system. ● Most importantly - they enable optimistic concurrency control.
51. resourceVersion
52. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Past
53. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Past
54. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Past
55. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Past
56. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Past
57. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Past
58. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Past
59. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Past
60. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Past
61. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Past
62. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Past If you had a controller, more the replicas, lesser the scalability of etcd.
63. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present
64. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present As with any problem in Computer Science, we solve this also with a layer(s) of indirection.
65. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present
66. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present Zooming in…
67. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present
68. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present
69. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present
70. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present
71. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present
72. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present
73. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present
74. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present
75. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present
76. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present
77. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present
78. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present
79. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present
80. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present
81. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present ● The store component is meant to reflect the state of etcd.
82. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present ● The store component is meant to reflect the state of etcd. ● Cacher per object type is created at API Server start-up time.
83. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present ● The store component is meant to reflect the state of etcd. ● Cacher per object type is created at API Server start-up time. ● The caching layer can be disabled altogether (--watch-cache=false).
84. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present ● The store component is meant to reflect the state of etcd. ● Cacher per object type is created at API Server start-up time. ● The caching layer can be disabled altogether (--watch-cache=false). ● The caching layer can be disabled on a per object- type (GroupResource) basis (--watch-cache- sizes) by setting the size to 0, all non-zero values are equivalent.
85. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present How do different requests interact with our present storage layer?
86. The Kubernetes Storage Layer - Present Interlude – resourceVersion semantics
87. resourceVersion semantics ● In each type of CRUD request, you can pass a resourceVersion parameter.
88. resourceVersion semantics ● In each type of CRUD request, you can pass a resourceVersion parameter. ● The interpretation of this parameter translates into data consistency guarantees.
89. resourceVersion semantics ● In each type of CRUD request, you can pass a resourceVersion parameter. ● The interpretation of this parameter translates into data consistency guarantees. ● Knowing how behaviour changes with resourceVersion interpretation can be crucial to scalability in some cases.
90. resourceVersion semantics ● In each type of CRUD request, you can pass a resourceVersion parameter. ● The interpretation of this parameter translates into data consistency guarantees. ● Knowing how behaviour changes with resourceVersion interpretation can be crucial to scalability in some cases. For any GET request (Get(), GetList(), Watch())
91. resourceVersion semantics ● In each type of CRUD request, you can pass a For any GET request (Get(), GetList(), Watch()) resourceVersion parameter. ● The interpretation of this parameter translates into data consistency guarantees. ● Knowing how behaviour changes with resourceVersion interpretation can be crucial to scalability in some cases. resourceVersion = “” Most recent data
92. resourceVersion semantics ● In each type of CRUD request, you can pass a For any GET request (Get(), GetList(), Watch()) resourceVersion parameter. ● The interpretation of this parameter translates into data consistency guarantees. ● Knowing how behaviour changes with resourceVersion interpretation can be crucial to scalability in some cases. resourceVersion = “” Most recent data resourceVersion = “0” Any data (arbitrarily stale)
93. resourceVersion semantics ● In each type of CRUD request, you can pass a For any GET request (Get(), GetList(), Watch()) resourceVersion parameter. ● The interpretation of this parameter translates into data consistency guarantees. ● Knowing how behaviour changes with resourceVersion interpretation can be crucial to scalability in some cases. resourceVersion = “” Most recent data resourceVersion = “0” Any data (arbitrarily stale) resourceVersion = “n” Data at n
94. resourceVersion semantics ● In each type of CRUD request, you can pass a For any GET request (Get(), GetList(), Watch()) resourceVersion parameter. ● The interpretation of this parameter translates into data consistency guarantees. ● Knowing how behaviour changes with resourceVersion = “” Most recent data resourceVersion = “0” Any data (arbitrarily stale) resourceVersion = “n” Data at n resourceVersion interpretation can be crucial to scalability in some cases. “Most recent data” is ensured by doing a quorum read in etcd (a round of raft happens, and you get a linearizable read).
95. resourceVersion semantics ● In each type of CRUD request, you can pass a For any GET request (Get(), GetList(), Watch()) resourceVersion parameter. ● The interpretation of this parameter translates into data consistency guarantees. ● Knowing how behaviour changes with resourceVersion = “” Most recent data resourceVersion = “0” Any data (arbitrarily stale) resourceVersion = “n” Data at n resourceVersion interpretation can be crucial to scalability in some cases. There is also resourceVersionMatch which compliments resourceVersion in how they are interpreted. You always need to provide this if you specify a resourceVersion in a LIST request.
96. resourceVersion semantics ● In each type of CRUD request, you can pass a For any GET request (Get(), GetList(), Watch()) resourceVersion parameter. ● The interpretation of this parameter translates into data consistency guarantees. ● Knowing how behaviour changes with resourceVersion = “” Most recent data resourceVersion = “0” Any data (arbitrarily stale) resourceVersion = “n” Data at n resourceVersion interpretation can be crucial to scalability in some cases. There is also resourceVersionMatch which compliments resourceVersion in how they are interpreted. You always need to provide this if you specify a resourceVersion in a LIST request. ● resourceVersionMatch=NotOlderThan ● resourceVersionMatch=Exact
97. resourceVersion semantics ● In each type of CRUD request, you can pass a For any GET request (Get(), GetList(), Watch()) resourceVersion parameter. ● The interpretation of this parameter translates into data consistency guarantees. ● Knowing how behaviour changes with resourceVersion = “” Most recent data resourceVersion = “0” Any data (arbitrarily stale) resourceVersion = “n” Data at n resourceVersion interpretation can be crucial to scalability in some cases. This still isn’t the full picture! Please see:
98. Request Behaviour The best way to look at how the different layers of the Kubernetes Storage Layer come into play and their scalability aspects, is to look at how different type of requests are served.
99. Request Behaviour Create()
100. Request Behaviour Create() ● A Create() request goes straight to etcd.
101. Request Behaviour Create() ● A Create() request goes straight to etcd. ● The created object gets populated in the watchCache async. because the Cacher also has a WATCH open on etcd.
102. Request Behaviour Delete()
103. Request Behaviour Delete() ● A Delete() request tries to delete the version of the object that exists in the watchCache (performs a read op. (GetByKey) on the watchCache before going to etcd.
104. Request Behaviour Delete() ● A Delete() request tries to delete the version of the object that exists in the watchCache (performs a read op. (GetByKey) on the watchCache before going to etcd. ● As usual, the changes are propagated back via the WATCH on etcd.
105. Request Behaviour GuaranteedUpdate()
106. Request Behaviour GuaranteedUpdate() ● Similar to Delete(), we try and update the version of the object that exists in the watchCache.
107. Request Behaviour GuaranteedUpdate() ● Similar to Delete(), we try and update the version of the object that exists in the watchCache. ● As usual, the changes are propagated back via the WATCH on etcd.
108. Request Behaviour Get()
109. Request Behaviour Get() If resourceVersion = “” Request goes straight to etcd, served after a quorum read (linearizable).
110. Request Behaviour Get() If resourceVersion = “0” Request returns after performing a read on the watchCache (which in turn queries the store), no concern for freshness of data. Request doesn’t reach etcd.
111. Request Behaviour Get() If resourceVersion = “n”; n != “0” ● We first wait for the cache to become as fresh as n. ○ Waiting has a timeout of ~3 seconds.
112. Request Behaviour Get() If resourceVersion = “n”; n != “0” ● We first wait for the cache to become as fresh as n. ○ Waiting has a timeout of ~3 seconds. ● Once that happens, the read happens on the watchCache (which queries the underlying store) to return the result.
113. Request Behaviour GetList()
114. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { consistentReadFromStorage := resourceVersion == "" hasContinuation := len(pred.Continue) > 0 hasLimit := pred.Limit > 0 && resourceVersion != "0" unsupportedMatch := match != "" && match != metav1.ResourceVersionMatchNotOlderThan return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch }
115. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { consistentReadFromStorage := resourceVersion == "" ... return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch }
116. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { consistentReadFromStorage := resourceVersion == "" ... return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch } Request goes straight to etcd and is served as a linearizable read.
117. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... hasContinuation := len(pred.Continue) > 0 ... return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch }
118. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... hasContinuation := len(pred.Continue) > 0 ... return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch } ● If the LIST is a paginated one, no matter what resourceVersion you give, the request is going to be served from etcd. ● watchCache does not support pagination yet.
119. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... hasContinuation := len(pred.Continue) > 0 ... return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch } ● If the LIST is a paginated one, no matter what resourceVersion you give, the request is going to be served from etcd. ● watchCache does not support pagination yet.
120. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... hasLimit := pred.Limit > 0 && resourceVersion != "0" ... return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch }
121. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... hasLimit := pred.Limit > 0 && resourceVersion != "0" ... return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch }
122. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... hasLimit := pred.Limit > 0 && resourceVersion != "0" ... return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch } ● If we have a limit set on our LIST with a non-zero resourceVersion, we send it to etcd. ● Doesn’t matter if we have consistent data in the cache or not, we cannot support a continue from this limit later anyway.
123. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... hasLimit := pred.Limit > 0 && resourceVersion != "0" ... return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch } ● If no limit is set, we can serve the LIST from the watchCache itself.
124. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... hasLimit := pred.Limit > 0 && resourceVersion != "0" ... return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch } ● But… if we set a limit and put resourceVersion as 0, we essentially ignore the limit and list from the cache anyway? Why?
125. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... hasLimit := pred.Limit > 0 && resourceVersion != "0" ... return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch } ● Well… resourceVersion=”0” is “Any data” semantics, so cache makes sense.
126. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... hasLimit := pred.Limit > 0 && resourceVersion != "0" ... return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch } Well… resourceVersion=”0” semantics, so cache makes sense is “Any data”
127. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... hasLimit := pred.Limit > 0 && resourceVersion != "0" ... return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch } More importantly, it allows us to support listing whose responses we know have a good chance of being massive thus reducing the load on etcd, i.e. initial lists.
128. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... hasLimit := pred.Limit > 0 && resourceVersion != "0" ... return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch } Ex: - a ~large cluster can have O(1000) nodes, each node having O(100) pods, so if a kubelet or a StatefulSet controller were to perform a list on the pods…
129. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... hasLimit := pred.Limit > 0 && resourceVersion != "0" ... return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch } Clients that (client-go support List/Watch reflectors) ensure functionality to put resourceVersion as 0 when performing the first list.
130. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... unsupportedMatch := match != "" && match != metav1.ResourceVersionMatchNotOlderThan return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch }
131. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... unsupportedMatch := match != "" && match != metav1.ResourceVersionMatchNotOlderThan return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch } ● The watchCache only supports NotOlderThan, so if that is set, we serve the list from the watchCache.
132. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... unsupportedMatch := match != "" && match != metav1.ResourceVersionMatchNotOlderThan return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch } ● If not, we serve the list from etcd, honouring exact semantics.
133. Request Behaviour GetList() func shouldDelegateList(...) bool { ... return consistentReadFromStorage || hasContinuation || hasLimit || unsupportedMatch } ● The only time we serve a list from the watchCache if we specify a non-empty resourceVersion ● AND it is not a paginated list (no limit or continue). ● AND we specify NotOlderThan semantics.
134. Request Behaviour GetList() There’s a few gotchas to keep in mind here!
135. Request Behaviour GetList() There’s a few gotchas to keep in mind here! ● When you need consistent LISTs, and the request goes to etcd, the API Server can see spikes of unbounded memory growth depending on response sizes.
136. Request Behaviour GetList() There’s a few gotchas to keep in mind here! ● When you need consistent LISTs, and the request goes to etcd, the API Server can see spikes of unbounded memory growth depending on response sizes. ● Data needs to be fetched from etcd, unmarshalled, conversions take place, response is prepared.
137. Request Behaviour GetList() There’s a few gotchas to keep in mind here! ● When you need consistent LISTs, and the request goes to etcd, the API Server can see spikes of unbounded memory growth depending on response sizes. ● Data needs to be fetched from etcd, unmarshalled, conversions take place, response is prepared. ● Sometimes, paginating responses also will not help, if each chunk itself is large.
138. Request Behaviour GetList() ● KEP-3157 proposes, for informers, streaming data from watchCache rather than paging in etcd.
139. Request Behaviour GetList() ● KEP-3157 proposes, for informers, streaming data from watchCache rather than paging in etcd. ● Predictable memory footprint irrespective of LIST response sizes and consistency requirements.
140. Request Behaviour GetList() ● KEP-3157 proposes, for informers, streaming data from watchCache rather than paging in etcd. ● Predictable memory footprint irrespective of LIST response sizes and consistency requirements. ● Handles the lack of pagination in watchCache.
141. Request Behaviour GetList() ● KEP-3157 proposes, for informers, streaming data from watchCache rather than paging in etcd. ● Predictable memory footprint irrespective of LIST response sizes and consistency requirements. ● Handles the lack of pagination in watchCache. This is set to be in Alpha as of Kubernetes v1.28, please try it out and provide feedback! (Feature Gate: WatchList)
142. Request Behaviour GetList() Another gotcha - time travelling, stale reads from watchCache!
143. Request Behaviour GetList() Another gotcha - time travelling, stale reads from watchCache! ● If you have an HA setup, with watchCache enabled, one of them can be far behind the other.
144. Request Behaviour GetList() Another gotcha - time travelling, stale reads from watchCache! ● If you have an HA setup, with watchCache enabled, one of them can be far behind the other. ● Since informers/reflectors default to resourceVersion=“0” for their first LIST due scalability reasons, and these LISTs are served from the watchCache, we can get “data from the past”.
145. Request Behaviour GetList() Another gotcha - time travelling, stale reads from watchCache! Externally to Kubernetes - there are a few tools that have come from collaboration between industry and academia that can help automatically detect such issues (and more) if your controllers are susceptible to them: ● sieve: ● acto:
146. Request Behaviour GetList() Another gotcha - time travelling, stale reads from watchCache! Within Kubernetes – ● There are a couple of KEPs that are attempting to solve this in a scoped manner: ○ KEP-3157: Watch List
147. Request Behaviour GetList() Another gotcha - time travelling, stale reads from watchCache! Within Kubernetes – ● There are a couple of KEPs that are attempting to solve this in a scoped manner: ○ KEP-3157: Watch List ○ KEP-2340: Consistent Reads From Cache
148. Request Behaviour GetList() Another gotcha - time travelling, stale reads from watchCache! Within Kubernetes – ● There are a couple of KEPs that are attempting to solve this in a scoped manner: ○ KEP-3157: Watch List ○ KEP-2340: Consistent Reads From Cache This is in Alpha since Kubernetes v1.28, please try it out and provide feedback! (Feature Gate: ConsistentListFromCache)
149. Request Behaviour GetList() You get some nice performance benefits from both these For KEP-3157: Watch List KEPs! (
150. Request Behaviour GetList() You get some nice performance benefits from both these For KEP-3157: Watch List KEPs! (
151. Request Behaviour GetList() You get some nice performance benefits from both these For KEP-2340: Consistent Reads From Cache KEPs! (
152. Request Behaviour Watch()
153. Request Behaviour Watch() If resourceVersion = “”, we delegate the request to etcd as always.
154. Request Behaviour Watch() Otherwise, we serve it from the watchCache.
155. Request Behaviour Watch() Otherwise, we serve it from the watchCache. ● To do so - we first setup a cacheWatcher which is responsible for service a Watch request.
156. Request Behaviour Watch() Otherwise, we serve it from the watchCache. ● To do so - we first setup a cacheWatcher which is responsible for service a Watch request. ● Each cacheWatcher allocates an input buffer statically, size of which is determined by some heuristics we’ve seen in our scale testing.
157. Request Behaviour Watch() Otherwise, we serve it from the watchCache. ● To do so - we first setup a cacheWatcher which is responsible for service a Watch request. ● Each cacheWatcher allocates an input buffer statically, size of which is determined by some heuristics we’ve seen in our scale testing. ● As soon as buffer becomes full, we terminate the Watch and clients re-establish one again against the last observed resourceVersion.
158. Request Behaviour Watch() Otherwise, we serve it from the watchCache. ● Essentially, the cost of keeping-up with Watch events, is establishing a Watch connection.
159. Request Behaviour Watch() Otherwise, we serve it from the watchCache. ● Essentially, the cost of keeping-up with Watch events, is establishing a Watch connection. ● However, a slow client, slow server, or just a storm of rapid updates can cause the buffer to become full, and necessitating a new connection.
160. Request Behaviour Watch() Otherwise, we serve it from the watchCache. ● Essentially, the cost of keeping-up with Watch events, is establishing a Watch connection. ● However, a slow client, slow server, or just a storm of rapid updates can cause the buffer to become full, and necessitating a new connection.
161. Conclusion • The List + Watch pattern is a central theme to how the Kubernetes machine works, and helps enable the controller pattern. • Different requests interact differently with each of the layers depending on the type of request and the value of the resourceVersion (and resourceVersionMatch) specified. • Specification of resourceVersion and resourceVersionMatch can help you make the tradeoff between data consistency and latency, majorly impacting the scalability of your cluster. • Unless you have strict consistency requitements, trust the watchCache, but beware of time travel queries!
162. References • [Design Proposal] New storage layer design • Cacher Source Code • etcd3 storage layer source code • shouldDelegateList • [Kubernetes Enhancement Proposal] Consistent Reads From Cache • [Kubernetes Enhancement Proposal] Watch List • Sieve: Automatic Reliability Testing for Kubernetes Controllers and Operators • Acto: Push-Button End-to-End Testing of Kubernetes Operators/Controllers
163. Thank you! Twitter (X?): @MadhavJivrajani Kubernetes/CNCF Slack: @madhav
164. Please scan the QR Code above to leave feedback on this session

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