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关联话题: 奈飞、网飞

Netflix(/ˈnɛtflɪks/)(官方中文译名网飞,非官方中文译名奈飞)是起源于美国、在世界各地提供网络视频点播的OTT服务公司,并同时在美国经营单一费率邮寄影像光盘出租服务,后者是使用回邮信封寄送DVD和Blu-ray出租光盘至消费者指定的收件地址。公司由里德·哈斯廷斯和马克·兰多夫在1997年8月29日成立,总部位于加利福尼亚州的洛斯盖图,1999年开始推出订阅制的服务。2009年,Netflix已可提供超过10万部电影DVD,订阅者数超过1000万人。另一方面,截至2022年6月的数据,Netflix的流服务已经在全球拥有2.20亿个订阅用户,在美国的订户已达到7330万。其主要的竞争对手有Disney+、Hulu、HBO Max、Amazon Prime Video、YouTube Premium及Apple TV+等。


How Netflix Content Engineering makes a federated graph searchable

Over the past few years Content Engineering at Netflix has been transitioning many of its services to use a federated GraphQL platform. GraphQL federation enables domain teams to independently build and operate their own Domain Graph Services (DGS) and, at the same time, connect their domain with other domains in a unified GraphQL schema exposed by a federated gateway.

Rapid Event Notification System at Netflix

This blog post gives an overview of the Rapid Event Notification System at Netflix and shares some of the learnings gained while building it.

Data pipeline asset management with Dataflow

The problem of managing scheduled workflows and their assets is as old as the use of cron daemon in early Unix operating systems. The design of a cron job is simple, you take some system command, you pick the schedule to run it on and you are done.

Fixing Performance Regressions Before they Happen

At Netflix we’re proud of our reliability and we want to keep it that way. To that end, it’s important that we prevent significant performance regressions from reaching the production app. Sluggish scrolling or late rendering is frustrating and triggers accidental navigations. Choppy playback makes watching a show less enjoyable. Any performance regression that makes it into a product release will degrade user experience, so the challenge is to detect and fix such regressions before they ship.

This post describes how the Netflix TVUI team implemented a robust strategy to quickly and easily detect performance anomalies before they are released — and often before they are even committed to the codebase.

Experimentation is a major focus of Data Science across Netflix

Earlier posts in this series covered the basics of A/B tests (Part 1 and Part 2 ), core statistical concepts (Part 3 and Part 4), and how to build confidence in decisions based on A/B test results (Part 5). Here we describe the role of Experimentation and A/B testing within the larger Data Science and Engineering organization at Netflix, including how our platform investments support running tests at scale while enabling innovation. The subsequent and final post in this series will discuss the importance of the culture of experimentation within Netflix.

Snaring the Bad Folks

Cloud security is a hard problem, but an even harder one is cloud security at scale. In recent years we’ve seen several cloud focused data breaches and evidence shows that threat actors are becoming more advanced with their techniques, goals, and tooling. With 2021 set to be a new high for the number of data breaches, it was plainly evident that we needed to evolve how we approach our cloud infrastructure security strategy.

In 2020, we decided to reinvent how we handle cloud security findings by redefining how we write and respond to cloud detections. We knew that given our scale, we needed to rely heavily on automations and that we needed to build our solutions using battle tested scalable infrastructure.

开源微服务编排框架:Netflix Conductor

本文主要介绍netflix conductor的基本概念和主要运行机制。

Building confidence in a decision

This is the fifth post in a multi-part series on how Netflix uses A/B tests to inform decisions and continuously innovate on our products. Need to catch up? Have a look at Part 1 (Decision Making at Netflix), Part 2 (What is an A/B Test?), Part 3 (False positives and statistical significance), and Part 4 (False negatives and power). Subsequent posts will go into more details on experimentation across Netflix, how Netflix has invested in infrastructure to support and scale experimentation, and the importance of developing a culture of experimentation within an organization.

In Parts 3 (False positives and statistical significance) and 4 (False negatives and power), we discussed the core statistical concepts that underpin A/B tests: false positives, statistical significance and p-values, as well as false negatives and power. Here, we’ll get to the hard part: how do we use test results to support decision making in a complex business environment?

The unpleasant reality about A/B testing is that no test result is a certain reflection of the underlying truth. As we discussed in previous posts, good practice involves first setting and understanding the false positive rate, and then designing an experiment that is well powered so it is likely to detect true effects of reasonable and meaningful magnitudes. These concepts from statistics help us reduce and understand error rates and make good decisions in the face of uncertainty. But there is still no way to know whether the result of a specific experiment is a false positive or a false negative.

Netflix Video Quality at Scale with Cosmos Microservices

Measuring video quality at scale is an essential component of the Netflix streaming pipeline. Perceptual quality measurements are used to drive video encoding optimizations, perform video codec comparisons, carry out A/B testing and optimize streaming QoE decisions to mention a few. In particular, the VMAF metric lies at the core of improving the Netflix member’s streaming video quality. It has become a de facto standard for perceptual quality measurements within Netflix and, thanks to its open-source nature, throughout the video industry.

As VMAF evolves and is integrated with more encoding and streaming workflows within Netflix, we need scalable ways of fostering video quality innovations. For example, when we design a new version of VMAF, we need to effectively roll it out throughout the entire Netflix catalog of movies and TV shows. This article explains how we designed microservices and workflows on top of the Cosmos platform to bolster such video quality innovations.

Interpreting A/B test results: false negatives and power

This is the fourth post in a multi-part series on how Netflix uses A/B tests to inform decisions and continuously innovate on our products. Need to catch up? Have a look at Part 1 (Decision Making at Netflix), Part 2 (What is an A/B Test?), Part 3 (False positives and statistical significance). Subsequent posts will go into more details on experimentation across Netflix, how Netflix has invested in infrastructure to support and scale experimentation, and the importance of the culture of experimentation within Netflix.

In Part 3: False positives and statistical significance, we defined the two types of mistakes that can occur when interpreting test results: false positives and false negatives. We then used simple thought exercises based on flipping coins to build intuition around false positives and related concepts such as statistical significance, p-values, and confidence intervals. In this post, we’ll do the same for false negatives and the related concept of statistical power.

Revisiting BetterTLS: Certificate Path Building

Last year the AddTrust root certificate expired and lots of clients had a bad time. Some Roku devices weren’t working right, Heroku had problems, and some folks couldn’t even curl. In the aftermath Ryan Sleevi wrote a really great blog post not just about the issue of this one certificate’s expiry, but the problem that so many TLS implementations have in general with certificate path building. If you haven’t read that blog post, you should. This post is probably going to make a lot more sense if you’ve read that one first, so go ahead and read it now.

CAMBI, a banding artifact detector

Introducing the banding artifacts detector developed by Netflix aiming at further improving the delivered video quality.

Interpreting A/B test results: false positives and statistical significance

This is the third post in a multi-part series on how Netflix uses A/B tests to inform decisions and continuously innovate on our products. Need to catch up? Have a look at Part 1 (Decision Making at Netflix) and Part 2 (What is an A/B Test?). Subsequent posts will go into more details on experimentation across Netflix, how Netflix has invested in infrastructure to support and scale experimentation, and the importance of the culture of experimentation within Netflix.

In Part 2: What is an A/B Test we talked about testing the Top 10 lists on Netflix, and how the primary decision metric for this test was a measure of member satisfaction with Netflix. If a test like this shows a statistically significant improvement in the primary decision metric, the feature is a strong candidate for a roll out to all of our members. But how do we know if we’ve made the right decision, given the results of the test? It’s important to acknowledge that no approach to decision making can entirely eliminate uncertainty and the possibility of making mistakes. Using a framework based on hypothesis generation, A/B testing, and statistical analysis allows us to carefully quantify uncertainties, and understand the probabilities of making different types of mistakes.

Safe Updates of Client Applications at Netflix

Quality of a client application is of paramount importance to global digital products, as it is the primary way customers interact with a brand. At Netflix, we have significant investments in ensuring new versions of our applications are well tested. However, Netflix is available for streaming on thousands of types of devices and it is powered by hundreds of micro-services which are deployed independently, making it extremely challenging to comprehensively test internally. Hence, it became important to supplement our release decisions with strong evidence received from the field during the update process.

Our team was formed to mine health signals from the field to quickly evaluate new versions of the client applications. As we invested in systems to enable this vision, it led to increased development velocity, which arguably led to better development practices and quality of the applications. The goal of this blog post is to highlight the investment areas for this vision and the challenges we are facing today.

How We Build Micro Frontends With Lattice

As we continue to grow here at Netflix, the needs of Revenue and Growth Engineering are rapidly evolving; and our tools must also evolve just as rapidly. The Revenue and Growth Tools (RGT) team decided to set off on a journey to build tools in an abstract manner to have solutions readily available within our organization. We identified common design patterns and architectures scattered across various tools which were all duplicating efforts in some way or another.

We needed to consolidate these tools in a way that scaled with the teams we served. It needed to have the agility of a micro frontend and the extensibility of a framework to empower our stakeholders to extend our tools. We would abstract parts of which anyone can then customize, or extend, to meet their specific business or technical requirements. The end result is Lattice: RGT’s pluggable framework for micro frontends.

Netflix Cloud Packaging in the Terabyte Era

Behind the scenes of the beloved Netflix streaming service and content, there are many technology innovations in media processing. Packaging has always been an important step in media processing. After content ingestion, inspection and encoding, the packaging step encapsulates encoded video and audio in codec agnostic container formats and provides features such as audio video synchronization, random access and DRM protection. Our previous tech blog Packaging award-winning shows with award-winning technology detailed our packaging technology deployed on the streaming side.

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