话题公司 › Uber


关联话题: 优步


优步的名称大多认为是源自于德文über,和over是同源,意思是“在…上面”。 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)




Introducing Ballast: An Adaptive Load Test Framework

As Uber’s architecture has grown to encompass thousands of interdependent microservices, we need to test our mission-critical components at max load in order to preserve reliability. Accurate load testing allows us to validate if a set of services are working at peak usage and optimal efficiency while retaining reliability.

Load testing those services within a short time frame comes with its unique set of challenges. Most of these load tests historically involved writing, running, and supervising tests manually. Moreover, the degree to which tests accurately represent production traffic patterns gradually decreases over time as traffic organically evolves, imposing a long-term maintenance burden. The scope of the load testing effort continuously increases as the number of services grows, incurring a hidden cost to adding new features.

Introducing Carbon Feed for Earners: The One-Stop Info Shop

After launching the Driver App in 2018 to over 2 million earners worldwide, we added content and functionality at a rapid pace. Although this really bolstered the platform, allowing for high-density and high-frequency content, and provided drivers and couriers with new ways to earn, it came with significant costs. For earners, it became increasingly difficult to find the information that they needed to make key decisions about work at any given time. For internal teams within Uber trying to emit information, there was pressure to be loud across multiple channels in order to reach earners effectively; teams had to, in essence, compete against one another to ensure that their intended messages reached the right audiences. As a result, collective goals were inadvertently superseded by individual teams lacking context.

We created Carbon Feed to serve these 2 primary stakeholders: For earners, Feed should be the one-stop shop for all the information they need to make effective decisions. Having a single, unified surface where earners can compare their different options at a given time and assess the tradeoffs would be inherently valuable. For internal teams, Feed should enable them to easily convey useful information to earners through a visible, central surface. Making the process seamless by requiring teams to only go through a single, streamlined integration would help them communicate more effectively.

DeepETA: How Uber Predicts Arrival Times Using Deep Learning

At Uber, magical customer experiences depend on accurate arrival time predictions (ETAs). We use ETAs to calculate fares, estimate pickup times, match riders to drivers, plan deliveries, and more. Traditional routing engines compute ETAs by dividing up the road network into small road segments represented by weighted edges in a graph. They use shortest-path algorithms to find the best path through the graph and add up the weights to derive an ETA. But as we all know, the map is not the terrain: a road graph is just a model, and it can’t perfectly capture conditions on the ground. Moreover, we may not know which route a particular rider and driver will choose to their destination. By training machine learning (ML) models on top of the road graph prediction using historical data in combination with real-time signals, we can refine ETAs that better predict real-world outcomes.

Project RADAR: Intelligent Early Fraud Detection System with Humans in the Loop

Uber is a worldwide marketplace of services, processing thousands of monetary transactions every second. As a marketplace, Uber takes on all of the risks associated with payment processing. Uber partners who use the marketplace to provide services are paid for their work even if Uber was unable to collect the payment. Fraud response is thus a very important operational component of Uber’s global marketplace.

Industry-wide, payment fraud losses are measured in terms of the fraction of gross amounts processed. Though only a small fraction of gross bookings, these losses impact profits significantly. Furthermore, if a fraudulent activity is not discovered and mitigated immediately, it could soon be further exploited, resulting in serious losses for the company. These dynamics make early fraud detection vital to the company’s financial health.

Modern fraud detection systems are a combination of classic 1980s AI (also known as an “expert system”) and modern machine learning. We would like to share the journey on how we build the best-in-class automatic fraud detection system and process, leveraging both machine algorithms and human knowledge.

Cost Efficiency @ Scale in Big Data File Format

Our Apache Hadoop® based data platform ingests hundreds of petabytes of analytical data with minimum latency and stores it in a data lake built on top of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). We use Apache Hudi™ as our ingestion table format and Apache Parquet™ as the underlying file format. Our data platform leverages Apache Hive™, Apache Presto™, and Apache Spark™ for both interactive and long-running queries, serving the myriad needs of different teams at Uber.

Uber’s growth over the last few years exponentially increased both the volume of data and the associated access loads required to process it. As data volume grows, so do the associated storage and compute costs, resulting in growing hardware purchasing requirements, higher resource usage, and even causing out-of-memory (OOM) or high GC pause. The main goal of this blog is to address storage cost efficiency issues, but the side benefits also include CPU, IO, and network consumption usage.

We started several initiatives to reduce storage cost, including setting TTL (Time to Live) to old partitions, moving data from hot/warm to cold storage, and reducing data size in the file format level. In this blog, we will focus on reducing the data size in storage at the file format level, essentially at Parquet.

Capacity Recommendation Engine: Throughput and Utilization Based Predictive Scaling

Capacity is a key component of reliability. Uber’s services require enough resources in order to handle daily peak traffic and to support our different kinds of business units. These services are deployed across different cloud platforms and data centers (“zones”). With manual capacity management, it often results in an over-provisioned capacity, which is insufficient for resource usage. Uber built an auto-scaling service, which is able to manage and adjust resources for thousands of micro services. Currently, our auto-scaling service is based on a pure utilization metric. We recently built a new system, Capacity Recommendation Engine (CRE), with a new algorithm that relies on throughput and utilization based scaling with machine learning modeling. The model provides us with the relationship between the golden signal metrics and service capacity. With reactive prediction, CRE helps us to estimate the zonal service capacity based on linear regression modeling and peak traffic estimation. Apart from capacity, the analysis report can also tell us different zonal service characteristics and performance regression. In this article, we will deep dive into CRE’s modeling and system architecture, and present some analysis of its results.

How We Saved 70K Cores Across 30 Mission-Critical Services (Large-Scale, Semi-Automated Go GC Tuning @Uber)

As part of Uber engineering’s wide efforts to reach profitability, recently our team was focused on reducing cost of compute capacity by improving efficiency. Some of the most impactful work was around GOGC optimization. In this blog we want to share our experience with a highly effective, low-risk, large-scale, semi-automated Go GC tuning mechanism.

Uber’s tech stack is composed of thousands of microservices, backed by a cloud-native, scheduler-based infrastructure. Most of these services are written in Go. Our team, Maps Production Engineering, has previously played an instrumental role in significantly improving the efficiency of multiple Java services by tuning GC. At the beginning of 2021, we explored the possibilities of having a similar impact on Go-based services. We ran several CPU profiles to assess the current state of affairs and we found that GC was the top CPU consumer for a vast majority of mission-critical services. Here is a representation of some CPU profiles where GC (identified by the runtime.scanobject method) is consuming a significant portion of allocated compute resources.

Cadence Multi-Tenant Task Processing

Cadence is a multi-tenant orchestration framework that helps developers at Uber to write fault-tolerant, long-running applications, also known as workflows. It scales horizontally to handle millions…

CRISP: Critical Path Analysis for Microservice Architectures

Uber’s backend is an exemplar of microservice architecture. Each microservice is a small, individually deployable program performing a specific business logic (operation). The microservice architecture is a type of distributed computing system, which is suitable for independent deployments and scaling of software programs, and so is widely used across modern service-oriented industries. Uber has a few thousand microservices interacting with one another via remote procedure calls (RPC).

A service request arriving at an entry point (aka end-point) to the Uber backend systems undergoes multiple “hops” through numerous microservice operations before being fully serviced. The life of a request results in complex microservice interactions. These interactions are deeply nested, asynchronous, and invoke numerous other downstream operations. As a result of this complexity, it is very hard to identify which underlying service(s) contribute to the overall end-to-end latency experienced by a top-level request. Answering this question is critical in many situations, for example:

  • Identifying optimization opportunities for a top-level microservice
  • Identifying common bottleneck operations affecting many services
  • Setting appropriate time-to-live values for downstream RPC calls
  • Diagnosing outages and error conditions
  • Capacity planning and reduction

While latency is one of the metrics of interest, other metrics such as time-to-live, error rates, etc., also fall in the scope.

How Uber Migrated Financial Data from DynamoDB to Docstore

Each day, Uber moves millions of people around the world and delivers tens of millions of food and grocery orders. This generates a large number of financial transactions that need to be stored with provable completeness, consistency, and compliance.

LedgerStore is an immutable, ledger-style database storing business transactions. LedgerStore provides signing/sealing of data to guarantee data completeness/correctness, strongly consistent indexes, and automatic data tiering. LedgerStore uses DynamoDB as its storage backend. Running LedgerStore in production for almost 2 years at Uber scale, we’d amassed a large amount of data as trips and orders volume grew. Over this period of time we realized that operating LedgerStore with DynamoDB as a backend was becoming expensive. Also having different databases in our portfolio creates fragmentation and makes it difficult to operate.

Having first-hand experience building large scale storage systems at Uber, we decided to change the LedgerStore backend to be one of our in-house, homegrown databases. The 2 main principles we kept in mind were: 1) Efficiency, and 2) Technology consolidation. Following the first would yield us great results in the short term, while the second would put us on a solid long-term roadmap, having greater flexibility and operational ease.

In this post today we are going to talk about rearchitecting some of the core components of LedgerStore on top of Docstore, Uber’s general-purpose multi-model database.

Introducing uGroup: Uber’s Consumer Management Framework

Apache Kafka® is widely used across Uber’s multiple business lines. Take the example of an Uber ride: When a user opens up the Uber app, demand and supply data are aggregated in Kafka queues to serve fare calculations. When a ride request is accepted by a driver, push notifications in Kafka queue are sent to mobile devices. After a ride is finished, post-trip processing, including payment and receipt sending, leverages Kafka. During the entire operation, the data and messages flowing between services are also ingested into Apache Hive™ for data analytic purposes. In a word, Apache Kafka is a critical service that empowers Uber’s business.

Given its high popularity, we are operating large scale Kafka clusters across multiple regions. We started our Kafka journey in early 2015 with a few-node Kafka cluster in one region. With the tremendous growth of Uber’s business and expansion of Kafka usages, we ran into scaling and operational issues, and got many interesting user requests from customers.

One of the most common issues we have run into is how to efficiently monitor the state of a large number of consumers. Having evaluated many open source solutions, with the large scale and unique setup, we finally decided to build a new observability framework for monitoring the state of Kafka consumers. Today, we are delighted to introduce uGroup, our internal Kafka consumer monitoring service.

Improving HDFS I/O Utilization for Efficiency

Scaling our data infrastructure with lower hardware costs while maintaining high performance and service reliability has been no easy feat. To accommodate the exponential growth in both Data Storage and Analytics Compute at Uber, the Data Infrastructure team massively overhauled its approach in scaling the Apache Hadoop® Data File System (HDFS) by re-architecting the software layer in conjunction with a hardware redesign:

  • HDFS Federation, Warm Storage, YARN co-location on HDFS data nodes and increased YARN utilization improved the systems’ CPU & Memory usage efficiency
  • Combining multiple Hardware server designs (24 x 2TB HDD, 24 x 4TB HDD, 35 x 8TB HDD) into a unified design of 35 x 16TB HDD for 30% Hardware cost reduction

Building Uber’s Fulfillment Platform for Planet-Scale using Google Cloud Spanner

The Fulfillment Platform is a foundational Uber domain that enables the rapid scaling of new verticals. The platform handles billions of database transactions each day, ranging from user actions (e.g., a driver starting a trip) and system actions (e.g., creating an offer to match a trip with a driver) to periodic location updates (e.g., recalculating eligible products for a driver when their location changes). The platform handles millions of concurrent users and billions of trips per month across over ten thousand cities and billions of database transactions a day.

In the previous article, we introduced the Fulfillment domain, highlighted challenges in the previous architecture, and outlined the new architecture.

When designing the new architecture, we converged on leveraging Google’s Cloud Spanner, a NewSQL storage engine to satisfy the requirements of transactional consistency, horizontal scalability, and low operational overhead. This article describes how we leveraged Cloud Spanner for planet-scale architecture without sacrificing consistency guarantees and with low operational overhead.

Real-Time Exactly-Once Ad Event Processing with Apache Flink and Kafka

Uber recently launched a new capability: Ads on UberEats. With this new ability came new challenges that needed to be solved at Uber, such as systems for ad auctions, bidding, attribution, reporting, and more. This article focuses on how we leveraged open source technology to build Uber’s first “near real-time” exactly-once events processing system. We’ll dive into the details of how we achieved exactly-once processing as well as the inner workings of our event processing jobs.

YAML Generator for Funnel YAML Files: Streamlining the Mobile Data Workflow Process

At Uber, real-time mobile analytics events—generated by button taps, page views, and more—form the backbone of the mobile data workflow process.

To process these events, our Mobile Data Platform Team designed and developed the Fontana library, which converts the nearly-one-million-QPS (queries per second) volume of events into easily digestible and useful analytics for Uber engineers. As part of this process, funnel YAML files are key config files that are used to define sequences of events for analysis. To this end, our team has also designed and developed the SuperFlurry application, which aids in creating and managing these files.

However, SuperFlurry still required users to create and modify funnel YAML files by editing raw YAML files directly. This was a significant pain point for Uber engineers and PMs aiming to set up their own funnels, especially for those unfamiliar with the format or the specific structure of funnel YAML files, as subtle syntactical errors are easy to make and switching back and forth between file creation and documentation is time-consuming. To remedy this issue, we designed and developed YAML Generator, an application that provides a comprehensive set of options for creating a funnel YAML file alongside a clean and intuitive UI.

The newly developed YAML Generator application builds onto the SuperFlurry application, streamlining the creation of these funnel YAML files. Through the development of this application, the importance of simplifying user-side input and the importance of continuous feedback are highlighted.

Jellyfish: Cost-Effective Data Tiering for Uber’s Largest Storage System

Uber deploys a few storage technologies to store business data based on their application model. One such technology is called Schemaless, which enables the modeling of related entries in one single row of multiple columns, as well as versioning per column.

Schemaless has been around for a couple of years, amassing Uber’s data. While Uber is consolidating all the use cases on Docstore, Schemaless is still the source of truth for different pre-existing customer pipelines. As such, Schemaless uses fast (but expensive) underlying storage technology to enable millisecond-order latency at high QPS. Furthermore, Schemaless deploys a number of replicas per region to ensure data durability and availability in the face of different failure models.

Accumulating more data while using expensive storage, Schemaless has increasingly become a key concern for cost and thus required attention. To this end, we carried out measurements for understanding data access patterns. We found that data is frequently accessed for a period of time, after which it is accessed less frequently. The exact period varies from one use case to another, however, old data must still be readily available upon request.

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