Integrating JTBD into existing tools & frameworks

1. Jobs-to-be-Done Meetup Berlin #6: Integrating JTBD into existing tools & frameworks SI Labs — June 23, 2015 Andrej Balaz Hannes Jentsch Martin Jordan Tor L. Bollingmo
2. Where Kindly supported by
3. Why Sharing experiences among JTBD practitioners
4. What Understanding why people are switching from one product to another —and the outcomes they want to achieve
6. Intro What’s your name? What’s your background? What are your hopes for the evening?
7. Warm-up Which product or service did you start using recently? What ‘jobs’ is it doing for you? What does it replace?
8. People don’t want to buy “ a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole! ” — Theodore Levitt, American economist marketing-malpractice-the-cause-and-cure
9. History GENERATION 0 Theodore Lewitt et al. GENERATION 1 Anthony Ulwick GENERATION 2 Clayton Christensen Bob Moesta GENERATION 2.5 Chris Spiek Alan Klement
10. Point of View Focusing on the outcomes people want to achieve, problems solved and tasks get done
11. Rule of the evening Raise your hand to intervene
12. Recap of recently discussed tools & methods
13. Job statement e.g. ‘Clean clothes quickly’ or ‘Manage personal finances at home’ Resource: Silverstein, D., Samuel, P. (2012): The Innovator's Toolkit. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
14. Kinds of jobs Functional jobs Emotional / personal jobs Resource: Silverstein, D., Samuel, P. (2012): The Innovator's Toolkit. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Social jobs
15. Timeline Event 1 Event 2 First thought BUY Passive looking Active looking Deciding Resource: Spiek, C., Moesta, B. (2014): The Jobs-to-be-Done Handbook. Seattle, WA: CreateSpace. Consuming
16. Forces of progress FORCE S P RO M OTING A NE W CHO IC E P U SH PULL Business as usual New behaviour HA B IT ANX IE T Y FORCE S B LO CKING CHA NGE Resource: Spiek, C., Moesta, B. (2014): The Jobs-to-be-Done Handbook. Seattle, WA: CreateSpace.
17. Changing mobile carrier FORCE S P RO M OTING A NE W CHO IC E W EA K S IG NA L BE T TER PRICE Business as usual New behaviour D IR ECT W ITH DRAWA L K EEP NUM BE R? FORCE S B LO CKING CHA NGE Resource: Spiek, C., Moesta, B. (2014): The Jobs-to-be-Done Handbook. Seattle, WA: CreateSpace.
18. Interview Retrospective interviews after purchase or usage to uncover jobs, events, forces Resource: Spiek, C., Moesta, B. (2014): The Jobs-to-be-Done Handbook. Seattle, WA: CreateSpace.
19. Integrating JTBD into other tools and frameworks
20. Value creation Value in exchange Value in use Value in achievement Resource: Bettencourt, L. A., Lusch. R. F., Vargo, S. L. (2014): A Service Lens on Value Creation: Marketing’s Role in Achieving Strategic Advantage. California Management Review, 57 (1 | Fall), 44-66.
21. Value Proposition Canvas Gains Jobs Pains Resource: Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y. , Bernarda, G., Smith, A. (2014): Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
22. Market segmentation Job #1 Oberschicht / Obere Mi elschicht Mi lere Mi elschicht Sinus B1 1 Konserva v- etabliertes Milieu 10% Sinus B12 Sozialökologisches Milieu 7% 2 Sinus AB23 Sinus B23 Tradi onelles Milieu 14% Untere Mi elschicht / Unterschicht Liberal-intellektuelles Milieu 7% Sinus AB12 Bürgerliche Mi e 14% Sinus C1 Milieu der Performer 7% Sinus C2 Adap v- pragma sches Milieu 9% C Sinus C12 Expedi ves Milieu 7% E Sinus BC23 3 Sinus B3 Prekäres Milieu 9% Hedonis sches Milieu 15% © SINUS Soziale Lage A Tradi ons- Modernisierte verwurzelung Trad n Grund- "Festhalten" "Bewahren" orien erung Tradi on B Lebensstandard, Status, Besitz "Haben & Genießen" Selbstverwirklichung, Emanzipa on, Authen zität "Sein & Verändern" Modernisierung / Individualisierung G D C Mul op onalität, Explora on, Beschleunigung, Refokussierung, Pragma smus neue Synthesen "Machen & Erleben" "Grenzen überwinden" Neuorien erung By customer demographics F A B By product & service offering Job #2 By customer jobs Resource: Christensen, C. M., Anthony, S. D., Berstell G., Nitterhouse, D. (2007): Finding the Right Job For Your Product. MIT Sloan Management Review. Boston, MA.
23. Customer Journey Map Job-to-be-Done: Getting to work on time Hired solution: Car sharing service – Previously undiscovered touchpoint Phase 5 CONTEXT Woke up too late that morning TOUCHPOINT Urban navigation app WA N T E D O U T C O M E Discovering the best option to get to work fast U N WA N T E D O U T C O M E Wasting more time with searching for options FUNCTIONAL JOB Finding the fastest way to get to work EMOTIONAL JOB Regaining control of the situation SOCIAL JOB Letting my colleagues know when I will arrive at work Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6 Phase 7 Resource: Jentsch, H., Jordan, M. (2015): Understanding the jobs your service is hired for – Combining service design methods with the Job-to-be-Done framework. Touchpoint 7/2, Cologne, Germany
24. How might we … ? Transforming a job story… When I want to Situation So I can Need Resource: Klement, A. (2013): Replacing The User Story With The Job Story. Retrieved June 20 from Goal
25. How might we … ? When I am on my island round trip where I travel with a lot of stuff in a small backpack and only unreliable connection to the Internet I want to easily pick photos I took that day and sync them whenever connected to a WiFi So I can I can share my photos with friends and family.
26. How might we … ? When I am on my island round trip where I travel with a lot of stuff in a small backpack Situation and only unreliable connection to the Internet I want to Need easily pick photos I took that day and sync them whenever connected to a WiFi So I can I can share my photos with friends and family. Goal
27. How might we … ? How might we assist Adam who has rarely reliable internet access to easily pick photos and share them so that his friends and family can take part in his adventures? user insight need situation need goal Resource: (2014): Design Kit – How Might We. Retrieved June 20 from
28. Further integrations Which tools do you use? Where do you see potential for a JTBD integration?

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