Symfony HttpClient Cheat Sheet

1. Consume APIs in a snap! HttpClient By Provides utilities to consume APIs HttpClient is a standalone package Install $ composer require symfony/http-client 4.3 Create the low-level HTTP client that makes requests Using the HttpClient use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\HttpClient; Create Options: options defined here are added to all requests made by this client default values $httpClient = HttpClient:: create ( [] , 6, 50); max host connections (optional) The request() method perform all kinds of HTTP requests max pending pushes (optional)(only cURL) Request Options: here you can define options that apply only to this request (overrides any global option defined by the HTTPclient:: create ) $response = $httpClient-> request ('GET', '’, [] ); code execution continues immediately, it doesn't wait to receive the response HTTP method URL $statusCode = $response-> getStatusCode() ; returns the status code E.g.: 200 getting the response headers waits until they arrive $contentType = $response-> getHeaders()['content-type'][0] ; returns: ‘application/json’ $content = $response-> getContent() ; $content = $response-> toArray() ; getting the response contents will block the execution until the full response contents are received (use streaming responses for full async apps) returns: {"lts":"3.4.28","latest":"4.2.9","dev":"4.3.0-RC1",...} returns: ["lts" => "3.4.28", “latest" => "4.2.9", "dev" => "4.3.0-RC1", “2.0"=>"2.0.25", ...] Only supported when using cURL HTTP/2 request HTTP/2 will be used by default if: * cURL-based transport used * libcurl version is >= 7.36 * request using HTTPs protocol HTTPClient supports native PHP streams and cURL To enable for HTTP requests: $httpClient = HttpClient:: create ([ 'http_version' => '2.0']); HTTP/2 PUSH support Available when: * libcurl >= 7.61 is used * PHP >= 7.2.17 / 7.3.4 Pushed responses are put into a temporary cache and are used when a subsequent request is triggered for the corresponding URLs. HttpClient:: create() selects cURL transport if cURL PHP extension is enabled and falls back to PHP streams otherwise. Explicitly selecting the transport use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\CurlHttpClient; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\NativeHttpClient; // native PHP streams $httpClient = new NativeHttpClient(); // cURL PHP extension $httpClient = new CurlHttpClient();
2. By HttpClient Options for Create and Request 4.3 authentication option default value null definition and examples auth_basic auth_bearer null A token enabling HTTP Bearer authorization (RFC 6750). An array containing the username as first value, and optionally the password as the second one; or string like username:password - enabling HTTP Basic authentication (RFC 7617). $httpClient = HttpClient:: create ([ ' auth_basic ' => ['the-username'], Use the same authentication for all requests HTTP Basic authentication with only the username HTTP Basic authentication with username and password ' auth_bearer ' => 'the-bearer-token', HTTP Bearer authentication ]); (also called token authentication) ' auth_basic ' => ['the-username', 'the-password'], query string params query setting HTTP headers headers uploading data $response = $httpClient-> request ('GET', 'https://...', [ ' auth_basic ' => ['the-username', 'the-password'], ]); body [] use a different HTTP Basic authentication only for this request Associative array of query string values to merge with the request's URL. $response = $httpClient-> request ('GET', '', [ ' query ' => [ 'token' => '...', these values are automatically 'name' => '...', encoded before including ], them in the URL ]); [] Headers names provided as keys or as part of values. $httpClient = HttpClient:: create ([ 'headers' => [ 'User-Agent' => 'My Fancy App', ]]); header added to all requests made by this client $response = $httpClient-> request ('POST', 'https://...', [ 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', ], ]); ‘' header only included in this request and overrides the value of the same header if defined globally by create() You can use regular strings, closures, iterables and resources to upload data. They'll be processed automatically when making the requests. $response = $httpClient-> request ('POST', 'https://...', [ 'body' => 'raw data', using a regular string 'body' => ['parameter1' => 'value1', '...'], using an array of parameters 'body' => function () { // ... using a closure to generate }, the uploaded data 'body' => fopen('/path/to/file', 'r'), json payload ]); json null using a resource to get the data from it When uploading JSON payloads, use the json option instead of body . The given content will be JSON-encoded automatically and the request will add the Content-Type: application/json automatically too. $response = $httpClient-> request ('POST', 'https://...', [ 'json' => ['param1' => 'value1', '...'], ]); user_data null Any extra data to attach to the request (scalar, callable, object...) that must be available via $response-> getInfo( 'user_data' ) - not used internally. max_redirects 20 The maximum number of redirects to follow; a value lower or equal to zero means redirects should not be followed; "Authorization" and "Cookie" headers must not follow except for the initial host name. If the number of redirects is higher than the configured value, you'll get a RedirectionException . http_version null Defaults to the best supported version, typically 1.1 or 2.0. base_uri null The URI to resolve relative URLs, following rules in RFC 3986, section 2 . buffer true Whether the content of the response should be buffered or not.
3. HttpClient PSR-18 compatible By 4.3 option default value definition and examples on_progress null Details about the response progress (e.g. display a progress bar) / abort a request throwing any exceptions. $url = ''; $response = $httpClient-> request ('GET', $url, [ ' buffer ' => false, optional: if you don't want to buffer the response in memory ' on_progress ' => function (int $dlNow, int $dlSize, array $info): void { // ... optional: to display details }, SSL / certificates ( ]); about the response progress resolve [] A map of host to IP address that should replace DNS resolution. Protect webhooks against calls to internal endpoints. proxy null Get through an HTTP proxy. By default, the proxy-related env vars handled by cURL should be honored. no_proxy null A comma separated list of hosts that do not require a proxy to be reached. timeout null The inactivity timeout - defaults to ini_get('default_socket_timeout'). bindto 0 The interface or the local socket to bind to. verify_peer true Require verification of SSL certificate used. verify_host true cafile null Location of Certificate Authority file on local filesystem which should be used with the verify_peer context option to authenticate the identity of the remote peer. capath null If cafile is not specified or if the certificate is not found there, the directory pointed to by capath is searched for a suitable certificate. capath must be a correctly hashed certificate directory. local_cert null Path to local certificate file on filesystem. local_pk null Path to local private key file on filesystem in case of separate files for certificate (local_cert) and private key. passphrase null Passphrase with which your local_cert file was encoded. ciphers null Sets the list of available ciphers. peer_fingerprint null Pin public keys of remote certificates. Aborts when the remote certificate digest doesn't match the specified hash. capture_peer_cert_chain false If set to TRUE a peer_certificate_chain context option will be created containing the certificate chain. extra Additional options that can be ignored if unsupported, unlike regular options [] Cookies HTTPClient is stateless so it doesn't handle cookies automatically. You can: - handle cookies yourself using the Cookie HTTP header - use the BrowserKit component which provides this feature and integrates seamlessly with the HttpClient component Caching Requests and Responses The CachingHttpClient decorator allows caching responses and serving them from the local storage for next requests. The implementation leverages the HttpCache class under the hood so that the HttpKernel component needs to be installed in your app. use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\HttpClient; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\CachingHttpClient; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache\Store; $store = new Store('/path/to/cache/storage/'); $client = HttpClient:: create (); $client = new CachingHttpClient($client, $store); accepts a third argument to set the options for HttpCache $response = $client-> request ('GET', ''); won't hit the network if the resource is already in the cache
4. HttpClient The response is an object of type ResponseInterface 4.3 By Supports synchronous and asynchronous operations Response Responses are always asynchronous: the call to the method returns immediately instead of waiting to receive the response Info coming from the transport layer Response Methods $response = $httpClient-> request ('GET', 'https://...'); $statusCode = $response-> getStatusCode() ; $response->getInfo() Options returns the HTTP status code of the response = $response-> getHeaders() ; gets the HTTP headers as string[][] with the header names lower-cased $content = $response-> getContent() ; gets the response body as a string $httpInfo = $response-> getInfo() ; gets info coming from the transport layer $startTime = $response-> getInfo('start_time') ; gets individual info $headers user_data response_headers debug is non-blocking: it returns live info about the response url error http_method http_code redirect_count start_time Streaming Responses for full async apps connect_time redirect_time $url = ''; $response = $httpClient-> request ('GET', $url, [ ' buffer' => false, 'on_progress' => function (int $dlNow, int $dlSize, array $info): void { // ... }, ]); responses are lazy: if (200 !== $response-> getStatusCode() ) { throw new \Exception('...'); } starttransfer_time total_time namelookup_time this code is executed as soon as headers are received size_upload size_download primary_ip (optional) max number of seconds to wait before yelding a timeout chunk primary_port get the response contents in chunk $fileHandler = fopen('/ubuntu.iso', 'w'); redirect_url foreach ($httpClient-> stream ($response, 0.0) as $chunk) { fwrite($fileHandler, $chunk-> getContent() ); } gets detailed logs about the HTTP transaction E.g.: $response->getInfo( 'debug' ) stream : get chunks of the response sequentially instead of waiting for the entire response response chunks implement Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ChunkInterface autoconfigure the HTTP client based on the requested URL Scoping Client HTTP client options that depend on the URL of the request use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\HttpClient; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\ScopingHttpClient; the key is a regexp which must match the beginning of the request URL the (optional) 3rd argument is the regexp applied to all relative URLs (when using base_uri) $client = HttpClient:: create (); $httpClient = new ScopingHttpClient($client, [ 'https://api\.github\.com/' => [ 'headers' => [ 'Accept' => 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', 'Authorization' => 'token '.$githubToken, ], 'base_uri' => '', ], ], 'https://api\.github\.com/' ); the options defined as values apply only to the URLs matching the regular expressions defined as key
5. By HttpClient you can configure multiple clients with different configurations and inject them into your services 4.3 Symfony Framework Integration # config/packages/framework.yaml framework: # ... http_client: max_host_connections: 10 default_options: max_redirects: 7 # config/packages/framework.yaml framework: # ... Defining multiple http_client: http_clients scoped_clients: crawler.client: headers: { 'X-Powered-By': 'ACME App' } http_version: '1.0' some_api.client: max_redirects: 5 Use the http_client key to configure the default HTTP client used in the app you can choose the service using any available method in Symfony Injecting the HTTP Client into Services One HTTP client Multiple HTTP clients Each scoped client also defines a corresponding named autowiring alias use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface; class SomeService { private $httpClient; inject the HTTP client into any service by type-hinting a constructor argument with the HttpClientInterface public function __construct(HttpClientInterface $httpClient) { $this->httpClient = $httpClient; } E.g.: when using as type and name of an argument: Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface $someApiClient autowiring will inject the some_api.client service } Dealing with Network Errors To catch errors Wrap calls to $client-> request () but also calls to any methods of the returned responses Network errors (broken pipe, failed DNS resolution, etc.) are thrown as instances of TransportExceptionInterface because responses are lazy so errors can happen in any method, (except $response-> getInfo() that is non-blocking) try { // both lines can potentially throw $response = $client-> request (...); $headers = $response-> getHeaders() ; // ... } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) { // ... } Multiplexing responses Deal with errors for individual streams by catching TransportExceptionInterface in the foreach loop foreach ($client-> stream ($responses) as $response => $chunk) { try { if ($chunk->isLast()) { // ... do something with $response } } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) { // ... } } Handling Exceptions When the HTTP status code of the response is in the 300-599 range (i.e. 3xx, 4xx or 5xx ) your code is expected to handle it. If you don't do that, the getHeaders() and getContent() methods throw an appropriate exception: $response = $httpClient-> request ('GET', ''); // this code results in a Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\ClientException // because it doesn't check the status code of the response $content = $response-> getContent() ; $content = $response-> getContent(false) ; pass FALSE as the optional argument to not throw an exception and return instead the original response content (even if it's an error message) the response of this request will be a 403 HTTP error

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